Wednesday, July 8, 2020

It’s about the Light not the White

Since BLM has accused The Church of supporting White Supremacy Churches have been attacks, and Statues of Saints have been defiled, desecrated and defiled. In one town in Californa in a place where a Statue of St. Junipiere Sierra stood they placed an altar to a dragon (with dragon fruit!), Have these people lost their minds? Or are they racist Nazis who embrace the anti-Christian in general (anti-Catholicism in particular) form of Fascism. This is not a new song, this tune was played in the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Venezuelan Revolution, etc etc. Fullied accompanied by the stench of antisemitism. 

The Left has always been anti-Christian, from the French revolution through Antifa/BLM they always attack Crown and Miter The death of and leftist canonization of George Floyd a man who spent his life preying on his own community is juxtaposed against the murder of real innocents in our own community. Compare his life to the life of St. Junipero Serra Tears the mask off the face of the so-called progressive Left which is not liberal at all but like other fascist movements diabolical. Prior to the alleged murder (yes even evil policeman get the presumption of innocence in this country) of George Floyd we at a glimpse of their evil but generally we dismissed, laughed it away, or thought it was not real. These glimpses were through the empty hate-filled heads of AOC and the squad,, the sacrifice of the unborn on the altar of Planned Parenthood being sure not to mutilate the bodies much so they can be sold for medical research in the best tradition of Dr. Mengele. The Aztecs have nothing on the Democrats. NO protests at Planned Parenthood eh? statues of Margaret sanger are still up  I guess Unborn Black Lives don’t matter. Not to mention elderly Black lives in New York, and Pennsylvania. Then ALL HELL HAS BROKE THROUGH 

Last week the leader of BLM announces that they should go after the White images of Christ and Saints because they deny that Christ and His Most Holy Mother were not white- therefore these images support white supremacy.  This is beyond ignorance or art, history, religion, but most of all it is Diabolical. Attacks on Holy Images can be nothing but demonic if not actually the source must be demonic. While I am sure that Sean whatever his name is simply ignorant, his masters must be truly evil. BLM uses as an example great Icons of St Michael defeating the Dragon and draws the conclusion that this is either the inspiration for or a glorification of the George Floyd murder since the Dragon is dark-skinned. (this Icon is over 700 years old) I submit to you that the real aim is not some sense of racial equality but to get the Church to redesigning a Holy Card where a dark-skinned Michael defeats a pale dragon?  I do not have a degree in Art-but- one of the great benefits of growing up in NYC is the ability to study art at low costs all your life. Even I know angels are spiritual beings who have no skin color! Recall the battle of St. Michael vs lucifer. St. Michal was only an Archangel, while Lucifer was a Prince of Heaven. ST. Michael could not (recall Exodus)  possibly defeated the Dragon if not in his righteous anger he was not infused with the Power of God himself. Michael means “WHO IS LIKE GOD”? Which was the response of the NCO angel to the  Lucifers call for celestial revolution?  The defeat of Satan was the defeat of darkness by Light  “Erat lux vera, quae illuminat omnem hominem venientem in hunc mundum.”  The foot of St, Michael on the head (not the throat mind you) is not the foot of St. Michael but the foot of  Our Lady  [Genesis 3:15]

For all time and throughout the Church the local people have made Holy images look like local people or the available models. In Northern Italy (where the Renaissance began) Holy Images look like Northern Italians! The same holds true with Souther Italians, Spaniards, Irish, Polish. North African Christian Images look different than Sub Saharan Holy images. This holds with  Asians, Eskimoes, Black Americans, Ethiopians, etc. 
Perhaps you guys should visit a Church sometimes try not to burn it down, or don’t visit,  least you spontaneously combust upon entering.

We only know what Holy People look like if paintings or images were made of them whilst they lived and walked amongst us. 
Strangely enough, if the Church is trying to push a white superiority conspiracy on us they have done a bad job of it. In Eastern Europeans, and the Spanish have major devotions and venerate Holy Images of Black Madonnas.

Is this an attempt to foster Black superiority and privilege in white Europe? Or is it simply devotion, faith, and tradition?  We only have two real images of The BVM one is the Portrait by St. Luke in Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome (Below right)
Our her "self Portrait" Our Lady of Guadalupe. I have thought about the diabolical character of the left for some time after all If you can kill children and sell their body parts how can you be anything but evil/ crazy, both?. What won't you do? But it is the picture at the top of this page which set off the alarm in head about the absolutely demonic agenda of the left " to set up a rival good to God’s good” This is the unforgivable sin to make evil  good ascribing the things of darkness to God and vice (literally) versa. Seeing leaders of our country bend the knee to something other than God over a man whose name they cannot even remember,  Usurping real pain and outrage that the George Floyd alleged murder caused for power and political power at that. Now we know what they will do if they ever get that power look at legislation currently in the House, read their articles and magazines they want to pack the supreme court, get rid of of the 1st amendment repeal the 2nd amendment meant, open the borders and forget about BLM, they want nothing less than the genocide (or should I say social, familial, and actual suicide of Black Americans) The establishment of vice as virtue, the unnatural as a natural, myth as science and Mammon as god. 

Et duxit illum diabolus in montem excelsum, et ostendit illi omnia regna orbis terrae in momento temporis, et ait illi : Tibi dabo potestatem hanc universam, et gloriam illorum : quia mihi tradita sunt, et cui volo do illa. Tu ergo si adoraveris coram me, erunt tua omnia
And the devil led him into a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power and the glory of them. For to me, they are delivered: and to whom I will, I give them If thou, therefore, wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.
Luke 4: 5-7

Friday, September 6, 2019


The professional left along with its pomps i.e  Main Street Media (MSM) For leftist it more like vape the magic dragon; maybe they are the dragon. Magic being the preternatural ability to bend reality and the Dragon well you know. Or are they like all salesmen, politicians, and storytellers engaged in “puffery” - exaggerated commendation especially for promotional purposes: HYPE “? 

The President, as well as being  President of these United States is also the President of Puffery.  He would be the 1st to admit it. From the inauguration crowd size, through his personal wealth, Theresa May following his political advice.  Public pronouncements of exaggerated Trumpian Triumphs are par for the course with the President, and as ego expected, normal, even expected for anyone in public life.  Surely President Obama did not think he was the American King Canute. Reading through the 13 pages of False Statements of Politifact  - that strictly non-partisan aggregator of truth-  has on President Trump. Can Leftest not tell the difference between sarcasm, humor, puffery, and the speaker's assumptions of common knowledge? Or like most Liberal Coastal Elites (LiCE) if you hold a differing opinion you are guilty until proven innocent.
If you like your doctor you can keep it”

Does the left encage in puffery?  Or are simply gaffs, ignorance, lies or perhaps contempt. The contempt they have not for the President but for the American People regardless of whether you are in the basket.  Like demons, they may hate “the deplorables” but they have contempt for their supporters 

Let’s begin with the candidates Former VP Joe Biden good ole” Uncle Joe” (isn't that what they called Stalin?) based his campaign on “healing the country “ from the division caused by the President.  Citing the Charlottesville speech where the President referred to the “white nationalist” as “good people”. Now we know good ole Uncle Joe does not possess a good command of facts either recent of historical. This accusation against the President is a LIE  A lie so thoroughly propagandized the MSM that people actually believe it. All one has to you is read or listen to The President's actually words where he in no uncertain terms condemns white nationalists, nazis, etc. This lie by Lice may have contributed to the intensification of racial suspicion and tension. Good luck trying to find out the truth about Charlottesville.  The LiCE ministry of Information (GoFaYuTi) is attempting to block the access of the information platforms available to share the truth.
“They gonna put y’all back in chains”

Senatresses Elizabeth Warren and  Kamala Harris tweet signaled their virtue on the 5th anniversary of Michael “hands up don't shoot” Brown shooting. Despite witness testimony,  police report, Grand Jury finding, and finally an Obama /Holder DOJ.s investigation, all supported police evidence “there is no credible evidence that Wilson willfully shot Brown as he was attempting to surrender or was otherwise not posing a threat.” In their furtherance of the politics of racial division in hopes of winning the Melanin Challenged House or Great Potomac Tepee, had no compunction against perpetuating not puffery, not misinformation but the“murder”  lie which ruined the career of a young police officer, sparked violence leading to the ruin of many black-owned business and livelihoods in Ferguson. I wonder how many of Sen Harris's” convictions of mostly black men will hold up to the same degree of DOJ scrutiny as Ferguson? Maybe Sen Warren was trying to add Red Black and Green feathers to her warbonnet. 
“5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times” 

Senator Sanders has the same problem as President Trump many of his lies are simply puffery, ignorance, sarcasm, jokes or maybe dotage?  I'm not giving him a pass but since he will never win I can't waste too much breath on him. The problem with Sen Sanders is his public personae versus private life. Which revels hypocrisy to the point of incredulity.  Sen Sanders's world view is metastasizing throughout the left’s institution. His philosophies and policies have historically lead to the slaughter on millions if not billions of humans since the French Revolution. The very word progress and hence progressives are a result of the French Revolution!  Which plunged Europe into a generation of war and was the genesis of to even more hateful ideologies which have inflicted demonic level tortures on humanity.

 The  Bottoms Three  Buttigieg, Booker, and  Beto 
Francis O’ Rourke’s  Hype can only be asked with a question, was his mouth moving? it’s is worse than puffery vs stupid.  Beto thinks we are stupid in the tweetosphere, we tend to focus on the latest tweet before we realize none of his words are true. Not to mention, recurrent F-Bombs which the ⅔ of the  “B Bois” seem to think is now standard campaign rhetoric. There is shock but no awe - and we thought Paul Ryan was milquetoast! Brotha Cory, from guns to driving confusing the 2nd amendment with 9th amendment -  which I guess is more demagoguery than puffery. His accusation that President Trump cut DOJ funding investigating White supremacist groups was a lie. Cory’s most egregious offense is trying to pass as inner-city urban youth who pulled himself up by his own bootstraps; If those bootstraps were on duck boots maybe. Grand Mastah B was raised in Harrington Park NJ where the median household income is $145,000 per annum, avg house price $574,000 and the black population is 0.7%.  Yet at every debate, CB implied that his “community” was more the like wire than the Huxtable's. This most offensive on a personal level because he speaks to his primarily white audience reinforcing a racial stereotype of the Black Man as thug. Brotha B better be careful if he visits LA Kamala may try to arrest him. Reverend. “Let's Not bring God into politics” Buttigieg, “ but if we did he would not be Republican” Another privileged elitist who can't get his own house in order, Southbend lately? Yet, he is sure he is our moral superior.  Lectures us on carbon footprint but private planes it to climate change town halls He tells us God could not be a Republican yet it is Democrats who cheered while removing God from their platform. God cannot support a Republican yet Democrats, the party of slavery is now and are the party of genocide. When   Rev Buttageig talks about God do you think he might  Moloch, Kahli, and Quetzalcoatl than The God of Abraham Issac and Jacob?
"There's a saying in my community that you're dipping into the Kool-Aid, and you don't even know the flavor”

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Is Donald Trump The 1st Black President

From an economic perspective, for the past decade, the best day to be an American was the day Barack Obama was inaugurated unless you were Black. Thanks to the Trump economy the best day to be a Black American in a generation is today. It could be better if the Left in their own words “get out of the way”. Donald Trump, despite being celebrated and embraced in the hip hop world as "a baller”; open and enthusiastic friendships with icons of the Black community in entertainment, media, philanthropy, and yes even politics! President Trump is vilified by the left. When the media realized that he was not ‘“a clown” but a serious presidential contender “baller” Trump was bleachbit(ed). Transformed overnight into a racist, nazi -” literally a Nazi” scream the straight haired white girl wearing a P**ssy hat. But vis-a-vis economic policy could President Trump lay claim to the sobriquet “1st Black President”?

“I love being called the first black president, but Barack Obama really is, he deserves it.”Said Bill Clinton. If Clinton is affectionately referred to as “the 1st Black President” and Barack Obama was the 1st black President. President Trump has been called the Hip Hop President. Which one has actually done more to benefit Black Americans?

From September 1995 through September 1998 unemployment fell from 5.7 % to 4.5% While the Clinton economy created 12 million new jobs, only 700,000 of these jobs were for the non-college educated. During the Clinton Administration employment of high school graduates actually fell by 95,000. In addition, to fewer new jobs created, the wages for four-fifths of American men fell 6.7%. By 1997 real wages were lower than in 1989. Per usual these numbers disproportionately affected the Black community. Of course, there were positives if you were part of the college-educated Black middle class the Clinton years were the years of growth, expansion, and homeownership, yet black-white wealth disparity remained fixed. Besides, how many Black families were “The Huxtables”? Economic shortcomings were crowned by NAFTA and its well documented long-term effect on American manufacturers and failure to address immigration (although both Clintons were advocates for building a “barrier” on the southern border). Finally, the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act crime bill with its disparity of sentencing guidelines, three strikes your out and the expansion of the death penalty. Combined with concomitant post-incarceration, socio-economic restriction surrounding reintegration into society from education through housing. Manifested post-war-like devastation on young black working-class communities. By the end of Clinton’s presidency, more than half of working-age African-American men in large urban areas were saddled with criminal records and subject to legalized discrimination in employment, housing, access to education and basic public benefits—relegated to a permanent second-class status eerily reminiscent of Jim Crow This was the criminalization of Black Maleness.

Leftist Policies espoused by the media, academic, clerical, and cultural elites not only contributed to the further collapse of Black working-class families. They created a cultural by-product, the fetishization of Black men. Yet today, these same elites continue to agitate against the Presidency of Mr. Trump despite or maybe because of the economic success of policies “liberating” Black Men from the “Democratic Plantation.

President Clinton’s mastery of both symbolism and style combined with almost Soviet-style electoral allegiance of the black community with the Democratic Party cannot be underestimated. According to Radio personality Tom Joyner, Clinton“reached out to Black America in ways no U.S. President had before and was successfully connecting emotionally with the millions of descendants of slaves.” Thus creating the myth and obscuring statistical reality. For the elites, the Clinton economy (or the last years of the Bush economy hehe) was amazingly prosperous. However, By every criterion of measurement for Black Americans overall the Clinton years were economically and socially regressive.

The Honorific “1st Black President” was coined by Toni Morrison during the worst pains of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Today it sounds more like leftists patronizing of  ”Blacks can't afford or know how to get ID’s” variety than anything else.Black skin notwithstanding this is our first black President” citing his dysfunctional upbringing as a common denominator with black men. Is the joke an insult? The punchline being Clinton is decadent and promiscuous, got rhythm, got caught, then got over — so he’s Black!

Of course, Barack Obama was the 1st black President. Greeted with messianic fervor by the White Liberal and Media establishments; the very embodiment of “cool. “The Brotha” white men wanted to be, and the acceptable black guy white women could bring home.

President Obama inherited a mess that almost goes without saying. In the last year of the Bush Administration, middle-class Americans lost vast amounts of wealth. The Black Community due to lending policies, predatory mortgages, etc. was disproportionately affected. Despite the recession, elite wealth grew enormously, they never had it so good. In Black America, beyond the miasma of hagiography and sycophancy, the Obama reality of rescission, no growth, then slow growth. Political cronyism which rewarded, Wall Street and Silicon Valley elites, LGBQ, White Women, Hollywood, Dreamers, etc. coupled with political “punishment of enemies. Especially Church attending Christians, of whom Black Americans are a significant constituency. For Black Americans in the street - notwithstanding the pride, we had in his election  “Obama seems to have rewarded every single one of his constituents except us!

“Even black voters are nearly twice as likely (28%) to say young Black Americans are better off now than they were in the closing year of Obama’s presidency (15%).” 1st quarter growth in 2019 is now 3.1 percent, which is higher than any of the Obama years! Under the 1st two years of the Trump Administration, the Black unemployment rate has dropped to 5.9% (compared to 3.8% for the general population). The Trump lower unemployment rate is accompanied by a rise in real post-inflation wages - folks are finally” getting ahead of the eight ball”. Post inflation income and non-farming manufacturing jobs also grew - jobs we were assured by President Obama were gone forever.

I campaigned for Barack Obama, fundraised for Obama and voted for Obama - the 1st time. By January 23, 2009, I regretted my decision. Conveniently forgetting SCOTUS I justified my vote by reasoning myself away from my principals. My desire to see a Black President was greater than my values, Something for which I am ashamed and has confessed.

“Black Issues” such as criminal justice reform, education equality, creating an aspirational economy and quality affordable housing. Affect the entire American polity. Because of the disproportionately negative effects on the Black Community, we bear a special burden for ourselves and our fellow Americans to be sure the “least of us” is not forgotten in the corridors of power. We must examine policy, not prose, effects, not temperament, reality, not sentiment. We must be prepared to exchange traditional political habits for a continuing place at the table, not just every four years. Over a generation ago the Moynihan Report revealed how Black Americans were (are) sociological canaries.

If peace and prosperity remain the norm for the next two (six) years. The byproduct might be Black Americans, will once again be to able form families, achieve work/life balance, practice their faith, and volunteer. In short, further, engage in activities that form American civil society. The more Black Americans can aspire to those things which for almost a generation ( thought I forgot about the Bushies) have become the preserve of the folks who live in super zip codes and advocate policies from which they are immune from the consequences.

Try being poor in San Francisco.

Now it’s Muller Time. We could not ignore “the Donkey (Nadler) in the room” When the Muller Report 1st hit My friends and I made a weekend of it. We made drinks (old Fashioned) ordered in (General Tso's Prawns) rubbed our hands together and said: “this is going to be good.” It was good, approachable even for laymen like me. Only three times did I need to call a lawyer friend for explanations? Breakfast (French Toast) was served with disappointment after two years, 20 attorneys, and 35 million dollars Bupkus! Sans predicating crime there was nothing to obstruct! Muller’s his press conference adding nothing new The only people surprised or agitated are folks who have not read the report! The Report gave deference, a presumption of innocence to foreigners, but did not extend that presumption to The President.

Donald Trump now shares with Black men in America an experience Black men regardless of class knows; in a way, our fellow citizens will never know (thank God.).

The power of the government to disregard civil rights. From Property, Assembly, Privacy, especially Presumption of Innocence. Sonnie Johnson said, “every Black person knows about corruption in police departments - because we have all lived with the results” Yes she said that. President Trump (and Justice Kavanaugh) is learning is something Black men learn in puberty - any white woman, especially a blond (HRC)  can accuse you of anything — and “she is believed. It is on you to prove your innocence even when there is no evidence. Then accuse the Brotha of crimes she committed, Bleachbit anyone. Contrast these accusations with the results of President Trump's economic policies, his housing policy (check out the Lynn Patton interview) VA reform, immigration and federal regulatory regime which stifles new business.

You might go HMM.