Friday, October 14, 2016

Bigot is, as Bigots does

I was so looking forward to writing about Holy Women, NUNS, Sisters, and Misogyny looking forward to taking a break from Presidential politics and move on the something else.

Then came that major address / political ad on bigotry when one candidate accused the other of being a racist, by virtue of some of his fringe supporters, accusing [him of EMBRACING THEM(FC) or at the very least not denouncing them again. Of questioning the Presidents minimum qualifications to run (although questioning the qualification of other was not deemed racist), while she herself opened the door on this question when she ran against the President. I guess when I do it its called vetting when you do is racist!

In addition, a week later came the accusation, later clarified but not revoked that millions of Americans are “deplorable” Are either of the candidates' Bigots? I do not think so I hope not but the ole leftist dog whistle of accusing anyone who not only disagrees with you but even questions your failed policies must be a racist. While I am sure that the frequency of the accusations from the left has become such old hat have lost its all but its shock value. It does have the effect of flashing a shiny object at the short attention spanned press corp, and providing the typing are mo the DNC (CNN, NYT, MSNBC etc.) talking points for the week. It also seems to trigger in the voting public an intellectual of civic laziness. Instead of doing our public policy homework we can simply charge the opposition with racism cite the gossip dressed as fact page of the Huffington post The left uses it to stop conversations about policy (along with misogynist, homophobe, ‘ racist, nazi, nativist, xenophobe, etc) Well it looks like "that ole dog just won’t hunt” Which is too bad because the political system in this country is riddled with all of the ills and they are for the most part on the left. This instance on race-based ideological purity means the charge of racism will have less value over time, leading to less service for REAL Victims of Racism.

While watching the news we saw an HRC Add calling out DT a Bigot. as my jaw dropped and I NEARLY Spilled my drink!! My first thought was “this woman has nothing left to say” How can you hold DT accountable for who vote for him; he has not embraced these folks. You have embraced policies which are racist even genocidal. I do not want to deconstruct every accusation since other and better writers than I Have addressed that, nor do I want to engage in an overall counterattack of Mrs. Clinton I will leave that to Mr. Trump. But what I do want to do is throw my opinion into the ring of conversation on race and politics. Unless we wish to descend into tribal politics which will not serve the country at all.We should as clinically as possible look at policy and practice to determine whose policies are in fact racist. In the end, I don't care about motivation I care about results.

The most basic opportunity policy anyone can discuss in our society is education. The US spends more money per capita than any other country in the world. Yet the results become more and more abysmal each year. Basically, it is a declining return on investment the more we spend the lower our test score becomes. I recall reading that the state of California determines how much prison space is needed based on third-grade reading levels the fewer eight-year-olds who read at grade level determine how much prison space will be needed 16 years later! Yet HRC proposals are all targeted toward more funding for teachers union, more funding for brick and mortars school (no amounts given nor schema to pay for it ) and two billion dollars In addition, funding  
providing $2 billion in support to schools to reform overly punitive disciplinary policies, calling on states to reform school disturbance laws, and encouraging states to use federal education funding to implement social and emotional support interventions."

Again sans word on where the billions come from and this is only K-12 !! for others there is loan forgiveness free tuition at State and community colleges we are talking 10's of billions of dollars, which will be provided by some vague scheme to tax the rich by ending loopholes. Aside from the constitutional questions Yes where does the Federal government get the Authority to do this? And the practical question should not the states be in the business of regulating state institutions? None of her policies address the question of what to do with little Johnny, Juan, or Dwayne today, this fall well I suppose if we wait long enough her husband's drug laws will solve the problems for us.  Of course, they take the decision making authority out of the hands of parents and into the hands of the great liberal social worker, bureaucrat, government regulator. Why should not the children of the inner city (aka Black and Hispanic) have the same education choices as other children or most importantly why should their parent not make these choices?

DT is also talking about spending 10's of billions of dollars on education. Unlike HRC, DT policy is to reallocate existing dollars not raising taxes for new dollars! He points out that we already spend as much if not more than most of the world per capita but with diminishing return. He advocates taking this money and putting in the hands of the states (as per the 9th amendment) and wait for it .... the actual parents and per both the 10th amendment and natural law.
How does this policy reveal the inner working of a bigots mind? The assumption on the one hand that the federal government knows what is better for you than you do. And that the only criteria for this assumption is class. You Blacks cannot know how to or may not even wish to properly educate your own children so the state must make these decisions for you. 

Taxes and the size of government People accuse DT of not being specific, they are obviously too lazy to go to his website or are simply repeating the lies from the DNC's ministry of Propaganda (ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS even sometimes Fox news) HRC positions are platitudes, not policy and even the platitudes ignore history and economics.  What it boils down to is HRC wants to raise taxes on the rich and corporations an then take that money to expand the size of government through increased regulation. We all know that more government means less freedom, but the nitty-gritty of this plan is higher corporate taxes! Corporations do not pay corporate taxes WE DO. The increased costs of taxes and regulations are passed on to the consumer; placing a regressive tax on those least able to pay. In other words, HRC wants to take away your liberty by expanding government, place more debt on your children and grandchildren by deepening the deficit and have you pay more for goods and services as corporations pass their costs on to you through higher prices, smaller sizes, or higher service fees. We know this already, how is this racist? As you hold to the Liberal myths about who the poor are, then the effect of forcing them to pay a higher portion of their income for the same goods and services is racist.  DT's tax and economic policies are to foster economic growth which raises wages naturally, provides jobs naturally and gives those of us with the least amount of options more freedom to forge our own financial futures. In addition, It is thought that this new corporate tax policy would mean that large American corporations which have been holding or exporting profits  overseas will repatriate trillions (as many as 13 trillion) back to the Good Ole USofA that is a start in the dent of the Grecian style deficit that the policies HRC and her confreres advocates have left us!!

Lowering business and personal taxes, reducing the size have to lead to economic growth, expanding GDP, and prosperity every time it /they have been enacted not just here but everywhere, there is even a word for "Thatcherism". Thatcherism has lifted more people out of poverty since in inception than any other competing economic philosophical construct. India, Brazil (until they gave it up) China, Ireland The UK The US, the list goes on and on ) Expanding the size government with the concomitant loss in personal freedom, has had an opposite effect Venezuela, Sweden, Russia, Cuba, call your service!! The why is beyond economics even politics, it is an issue of liberty. Progressives see liberty as the way they manage the freedom of others i.e slaves, immigrants, you and me constrained only by power. Conservatives, see liberty as the freedom to control our own lives restrained by the ones ability to lessen the freedom of others, and most importantly natural laws which are endowed by The Creator. This worldview is reflected by conservative policies of the government not taking your wealth without due process, therefore removing the incentive to create more wealth. This is immoral, and the people to suffer the most from the immoral government are the weakest people in that society. In our society that means Black Americans.

Lastly but not least - the reason why this has taken so long to write is that I get too emotional about this point, which always seems to go unsaid or unasked. That is Abortion and Infanticide. HRC holds that the unborn child is not entitled to any rights, she also holds that the child may be killed at any time during a pregnancy and even for some unspecified time after birth This woman advocates unrestricted abortion and she wants you to pay for it. She wants your Church to change its dogmas about the sanctity of life and she wants Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts So I suppose, to her  Black lives do matter - for their parts. The most chilling thing I have ever seen was HRC with glee accepting the Margret Sanger award. When the Nazis needed a consultation regarding eugenics they called in Margret Sanger. That woman advocated genocide of the Black and Brown population referring to them a "weeds". More than anything else this is the litmus test of who is truly a bigot. I am reminded of the Godfather movie when a  don who wanted to keep the lucrative business of heroin traffic thought while one should keep it away from kids and playgrounds we may sell to the blacks "they have no souls".

 In order to make slavery work in a  Judaeo Christian world  non white peoples  had to be dehumanized (2/3 human  believe) In order to reestablish Progressive control of over the South Black Americans  had to lose their rights to vote, to  engage in successful family and economic wealth building - and be segregated from society American apartheid or Jim Crow. In order to legitimize progressive philosophy Jim Crow (not to mention federal income tax) had to become national practice, it did under the Great Progressive Woodrow Wilson(D). In order to dilute the potential power of the black vote (I  say potential because as long as Black Americans refuse to exercise that power and hand over votes to one party), We have to replace them with new Americans (along with their jobs, businesses, and neighborhoods). More black men are killed by abortion than every other method combined. In the City of New York, more babies are aborted than are actually born! In DC Abortion kills more Black babies than all other cause of infant mortality combined. Any wonder why PP "showers" are usually in poor neighborhoods?

If Bigotry IS as Bigotry does How many Black Americans have seen their jobs, educational opportunities, and neighborhoods/ cities decline, in multi-generational poverty and violence under 30-50 years of Progressive Reichs? If Bigotry is as Bigotry does How many Black Americans will see the costs of living increase further deterioration of opportunity as our country becomes less free and more corporatist? If Bigotry is as Bigotry does How many will have the core values of their lives come under government scrutiny as Governments feel free to monitor the activities of Churches (mayor of Houston call your service) If Bigotry is as Bigotry does How many Black Americans will see the little political power they have become diluted as new Americans infiltrate our body politic? If Bigotry is as Bigotry does how is it that Genocide is seen acceptable shall we say Final Solution to the problems of poverty in the Inner City? If Bigotry is as Bigotry does who why shouldn't have the same rights as others to determine the education of your children and access to at least comparable resources. If Bigotry is as Bigotry does how many black children were killed by the Basket of Deplorable's vs HRC supporters?

HRC about receiving The MS Award
HRC and the Late KKK Grand Dragon Sen. Robert Byrd

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Abrenuntias Satanæ? Et omnibus Operibus eius? Et omnibus pompis eius

In a recent opEd written to The Hartford Currant Miss Cullen Shaddox states her Baptismal vows will not only not allow her to vote for Trump but preclude him from speaking at a Catholic University! Where was all of this Holy Outrage when President Obama spoke at Notre Dame? Wait is that still a Catholic University?

Miss Shaddox's position is such an embodiment of  the #nevertrumper Catholics. A noxious cocktail of bourgeois priggishness, SJW progressive elitism, and post conciliar Church Pharisaical ness. Girlfriend is so steeped in her Eastern elitism baked in progressive, SJW Orthodoxy anyone  who dares disagree with her must face triple charges of Bigotry, Misogyny, and (until Orlando) homophobia all encapsulated in two trigger words "Hate Speech"  In her case as in others of her ilk it is particularly offensive since she and others seek to shield their animus behind a Sacramental aegis. Using her Baptismal vows as a foil she claims that while  not comparing Mr. Trump to Satan incarnate she does compare his positions to spirit of hatred and evil. So much like the claptrap the USCCB tries to serve up on Sundays as the Catholic Social Teaching in "Spirit of the Council".  There is no mention of the religious war that The Obama/ Clinton  has unleashed on the Faithful excuse me "People of God"  nor Mr. Trump's commitment to Religious Liberty as opposed to Freedom of Worship. BTW If you do not think the Faith is under attack in this country try adopting a child through Catholic Charities in DC? Ops you can't thanks to ACA.  Little Sisters of the Poor call your service. So place you animus within the context of baptismal vows taking on your behalf "When I was baptized into the Church My godparents on my behalf ..... Look to your Confirmation vows when you became a Soldier of Christ. To  jump on anti Trump bandwagon is not an act of bravery when the it looks like all of forces of the world seem to be arrayed against him. It is this fact that should inspire you to at least read what the man writes and listen to what he says unfiltered by the noise of world. Our Lord warns to be wary of those who the world loves and Powers of this world seem to love to hate  him which should give us all pause and think hmm if The Democratic Party, The elites of the Republican Party the Liberal Elites in New York and Hollywood hate him then what is he doing so right. Could it be following the Constitution?  Being opposed to abortion?  Not getting the Untied States involved in foreign wars? (HRC voted for the 2nd  Iraq war DT was against it) Or maybe it is returning government to the great unwashed not kissed by the shores of North Atlantic and the warming waters of Southern California.

You Claim to not compare DT to Satan but that is exactly what you proceed to do. Alas it is a comparison not based of fact but on reports of fact,  which is gossip.  Maybe  Sister should review the Church's teachings on Calumny and Detraction for you? 
Donald Trump is a bigot
Your utilization of what is on the one hand the worse accusation the SJW can hurl  sans proof yes proof  which  is incumbent on  you as the accuser to provide.  Bigotry is insidious because it is hurled willy nilly by  the left and is an accusation which forces the accused to prove a negative. It this case it is Easy. You site DT call to ban Muslim Immigration and the targeting of one religion or ethnicity as bigotry. That is categorically NOT what DT has advocated.   Cursory research beyond the PC ( Politically Corrupt ) press like his web site would tell you what Donald Trump  proposes is a moratorium on Muslim Immigration from politically suspect countries with high levels of Islamic Jihadism. In addition, he wants to a moratorium on Immigration of Syrian refugees until they can be better vetted. The Pope statement on bridges not walls was taken and repeated out of context BTW there is a wall surrounding the Vatican, just like DNP primary in Philadelphia along with photo ID requirements which BTW are needed to enter the Sacred Heart University Library 
Bigot Much? 

It is the Duty of  nation's leader  Indeed, It is his primary Duty to defend the nation.  This is the secondary obligation of a Christian Prince. Yes, the US is not a Christian country and we are all the worse for it but he oath of office is "TO Preserve Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States"  Not to oversee the protection of foreigners. If we cannot preserve our own national security, we are useless vis-a-vis projecting our values of self government and sovereignty and territorial integrity and assisting  the defense of others as well. That includes Syrian Moslems. ISIS has already announced that they will and have infiltrated the refugee diaspora. When your enemy  says he wants  try to destroy you believe him or do they not assign Mein Kamph at Sacred Heart. I believe ISIS over the Obama Administration any day because unlike this White House ISIS has kept its promises. 

A simple youtube search at what is happening in Europe since the governments of Germany, EU and France have colluded with the AP, Reuters, and Facebook to manage the flow of information regarding the effects of Muslim migration into Germany. Will tell you in graphic even horrific detail of the ill effects of this migration on the daily life of the people of Europe and the real physical peril the citizens of Europe face in the excersize of their daily lives.  do not believe them! In the pursuit of the primary function of government The Government of Germany has failed, again, The Government of France has Failed, again The People of United Kingdom and Italy are forcing their governments to reevaluate their failing policies. The People of the US should try to follow the example of The UK and not Germany. A  trip to Constantinople, yes I said it should remind you of the existential costs of getting this wrong.In addition the FBI, INS, NSA, EU, and the UN have all admitted that they cannot adequately  vet the Syrian refugees. Again I believe (or until two weeks  ago) take the word of the FBI over that of the White House and certainly Mrs.Clinton who wants to double the numbers.

Just because people want to live here does not give them the right to live here. The United States is under no legal nor moral obligation to accept immigrants of any variety. Yet we accept more immigrants than the rest of the world by far, nearly one million a year the next is Germany at 449,000  and that is not counting HB-1 visas and  illegals! Mr. Trump is on record as even wanting to increase the amount of legal immigration! So much for "Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt." Your Accusation is false in fact, premise, and conclusion.  

As for the Mexican Rapist trop He did not call Mexicans rapist again in lieu of doing a little work to get it right you repeated a lie. What he actually said was  " The government of Mexico does not send us their best people, They send us their worse people amongst them are ....rapist. gang bangers ....not their doctors and lawyers" Again, there are hundreds if not thousands of you fellow citizens who would be alive today if the folks in power would only enforce existing law! this is a far cry from calling all Mexican rapists, it is an indictment of our government for not enforcing laws on the books, not the Mexican government or people. His words taken out of context then repeated as fact by his political opponents, the same people who brought us "Hands up don't shoot" see their fruits and you will know them. In charity I   refrain from calling it a outright liar but you should really check you facts before you bear false witness against your neighbor which Im sure is one of the "pomps" which you reject.

You hold that the Syrian Family your parish sponsors are good hard working people , oops not hard working "trying to get work, and learn English and secure long term medical help for their son" well in jumping the line they have deprived another worthy potential immigrant who waited on line, has been vetted, has learned English and does not have long term health issues from a spot in the US. By your own words what we have imported is not someone who adds to this country's wealth but who provides another competitor to someone who is already here for that job, displaced someone who is already here from that English class and yes I'm sorry may end up diverting long term medical care resources from someone who is already here.  - We have an obligation to our own people

 You cannot be the good Samaritan if you have exhausted you own resources. In addition, you are not utilizing your own resources who is supporting this family, You? Your parish? Or the taxpaying citizens  of the US, and state of Connecticut. It is so easy to be a SJW with other peoples money! Does  this family your parish is sponsoring live in East Haddon (median income $91,000.00) Fairfield(ME $107,000), Greenwich(ME $168,000.00), Westport (ME $153,500)?  Or do they live in Bridgeport (ME $39,800.00), or Waterbury($41,000.00),  or New Haven ($38,500.00). The effects both immediate and longterm of wide spread (not just Islamic)  immigration are in the  affected communities like  Dearborn not Gross Point,  Hartford not Fairfield,  St. Albans (Queens not New Hampshire ) not the Upper West Side or even BedSty.  You advocate policies without any consideration for its affect on your brothers and sisters in Christ who  are facing many of the same challenges as these refugees in an economy which under the self-righteous  left has rewarded itself with bonuses  and rising assets while leaving its citizens to go without wage increases for almost a generation. "And His False Promises"? 

You Accuse Mr Trump of Misogyny    That is 2nd of the Virtue signaling accusations trilogy 
but you do not site any proof only so lets add some history The Trump Organization and women 
Despite the freewheeling dare I say fireballing accusations of Misogyny  The Trump organization is know throughout the industry as being cutting edge in its promotion of women and minority executives. The raison d'être of TTO was his father's opposition to Donald's gender blind, ethnic blind hiring and promotion practices. a simple goggle search would have provided articles from the ever so Trump supporting press like 

The Washington Post
Yahoo News
unless you only read The NYT  even then the woman interviewed denounced the times for fabrication

You say that you support Free Speech but like most progressives you only support free speech if it agrees with you. Your analogy of the post says it all People are allowed their opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  Other wise they are not just in disagreement , or even wrong but evil and poisonous, even toxic . I don't know where you studied American History but you should sue to for malpractice and get your fathers money back. Our Lord calls us to be the leaven in our societies - you have taken the road of fast acting yeast! You stated that you disagree with HRC but  where is your outrage  toward Catholic Universities which   provide her  space to spread error heresy and schism which is real hate speech. 
HRC wants to Church to change its doctrine to accommodate abortion ,and Contraception

Yet this advocate of Genocide lets not mince words abortion is genocide over 70 percent of the  abortuaries  are in Black, Hispanic or Asian neighborhoods. In the United States more Black children die of Abortion than all other causes combined (CDC) if abortion was disease it would be an epidemic. (I assume you march for life) To allow the happy recipient of the Margret Sanger award to speak on a Catholic campus is an outrage bordering on blasphemy  as Sec of State she and Her Boss tied foreign Aid to Abortion legislation, This administration send DNC experts t to assist in the election of  anti clerical, anti-Catholic anti- Life President of The Philippines. This White House  is talking with EU to craft sanctions on Poland for defending Life! Yet you do not have seem to have problem with her "Hate Speech"  I suppose you would have no problem with her Mass attending Protestant Running Mate? The very Idea that a Self described Catholic can hold a position of "I am Personally opposed to Abortion but would not dream of imposing my view on you " Since Our Lord asks us to be the leaven in our societies what baptismal vow is he violating. If this election were held in 1818 you would have no problem with "I find owning slaves personally repugnant but would not dream of interfering with your rights to control your property"
For a Catholic to not vote for Donald Trump when there are possibly three seats on SCOTUS is at the very least a sin of omission To let her off the hook as you do is to be a
 co-conspirator in the murder of the least of us.

I would like to end this on a loving  advice from an older fellow Catholic;  your Catholic education is woefully lacking perhaps you should also sue whoever thought you Catechism for heresy and malpractice. But I am so angry that you dare,  dare take your progressive left  false sanctimony and cover it with  sacerdotal cloak. 
To use a Social Justice term I am so offended 
Grow UP Learn your Faith stop being such Hypocrite !

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Quomodo sedit sola civitas

Peccatum peccavit Hierusalem propterea instabilis facta est omnes qui glorificabant eam spreverunt illam quia viderunt ignominiam eius ipsa autem gemens et conversa retrorsum. *

We began talking about the growing irrelevance of never-Trumpers and about how the Bush’s are in danger of becoming a dynasty known for not keeping its word i.e. "no new taxes" or “I will support the candidate of the party"... etc, How Romney has become a joke,  How Bill Kristol and The National Review are headed down the same road of inconsequence as the NYT in our daily lives. But then we looked up from our drinks and saw the news.

I was on my second martini as the chat was percolating with thoughts on the growing irrelevance of those in the never-Trump camp when we were suddenly riveted by images of June 3rd on the television above the bar.
Grown men, not youths surrounding young people and women, isolating one young woman from the crown the pelting her with food and screaming sexual expletives while she cowered and tried to keep calm. Swarthy men with bandanas, many covering their faces, with bandanas or with the flags of their country shouting anti-American slogans - threatening American citizens with further violence in many cases actually physically abusing them! While all of this is going on the government of the USA while capable of intervening to protect its citizens, once again under a Democratic administration fails to summon the political will, or perhaps this narrative plays into a long term domestic political strategy?

The gangs threaten and perpetrate violence on  American citizens while wearing American jeans, and their very living is supported by the very American taxpayer (to the tune of Billions if not hundreds of billions of dollars) of American taxpayer money. Talk about biting the hands that feed you! Many of the usual media suspects refer to rabble as "protesters",  they recall foreign formerly third world lands' anti-American riots. But this was not Bashir's Syria, nor the Ayatollah's Iran, not Libya or even London, or Caracas ( although it was Latin America) It was San Jose, California USA!! Image American citizens attacked, violently by foreigners in our own land and what do we hear crickets!

This was not some foreign shore (well it's Jerry Brown's Democratic Republic of  California so how American it is now is a matter of some debate) but San Jose June 3rd, 2016! and the lame street press along with the Administration, and the democratic party establishment (along with some members of the GOP Establishment whose silence is as defeating as the pro-Trump cheers) have assured no condemnation of the violence? How many times has Donald Trump been asked to renounce David Duke? What was all of that hullabaloo regarding the reporter whose name I can't recall getting pushed so that she almost fell? No here they blame Donald Trump the Candidate daring to challenge the Establishment Orthodoxy on management America's decline, on the innate racism of the American people, and their concomitant laziness. The worse was not just the blaming of the candidate exercising his 1st amendment right to speak but blaming the people who dare exercise their 1st amendment right of free assembly. To hear a candidate speak prior to their exercising right to vote! These American citizens were not just harangued by the mob but physically assaulted the mob went wild (or wilding remember the 80's) as if they were possessed  (see Ann Coulter's Book Mugged)

Where was the outrage from the Lamestream Media?
The time and place I thought was not some far off shore or even a time long ago but Birmingham, Selma, Atlanta, Chicago, LA the litany even Berlin - the litany of civil rights battles when and where peaceful people   exercising their constitutionally protected rights were assaulted by a mob and the police did nothing or in some cases aided and abetted the assault . What kind of Police Officer or any kind of peace officer could stand aside while his fellow citizens were attacked by gangs and do nothing? What kind of grown men (armed BTW and sworn "to Serve and Protect") can stand aside and do nothing while young people are assaulted be a rabble and do nothing?  What kind of American can offshore and watch defenseless people being attacked with rock, bottles, and stones a young girl cowering in a building corner in front of a door were grown on the other side and do nothing? If you want to know what side you would be on in Kristallnacht, or the March on Selma, or the Attack of the Civil Rights protesters in Birmingham SJPD you have your answers, sorry but "the defense of the following order" has already been tried. The SJPD is now on par with Birmingham PD circa 1963 and the Mayor Sam Liccardo (D) surprise! is the Bull Conner (D) of June 3, 2016

Like Selma, Birmingham , Chicago,  Baltimore, we are talking about places where Democratic rule, in some cases for a generation and the rule has bought thriving communities to their knees in poverty, low expectation, and corruption while the political elite scream peace and justice,  the citizen is deprived of the fundamental American Freedom - opportunity - the hope for change (pun intended) Have any of you heard from the Justice Department BTW ? I guess now is the time to respect "States Rights" Does Civil rights extend to all citizens of this Republic or is just to those on the Upper West Side, Hollywood, DC political/ Media class. Do Civil rights mean everyone or does it just mean Those who agree with the prevailing establishment?

Yes, I dare compare them to the CRM of the '60s Just as I compare pro-life movement to abolitionist of the 19th century.  I submit to you the CRM has been Hijacked by the left which is neither Civil nor right they accuse tradition of forcing of "your way of life" yet use the administrative power of the State to impose their evolution of the greater population all without votes. They equate the right to infanticide as health, (how healthy is it for the baby?). Recall the 1990's when to stop citizens from praying and protesting in front of abortuaries many states invoked RICO laws to break the back of pro-life groups and individuals. Is anyone using these laws to even investigate the conspiratorial nature of the organized left to DT supporters? Or should we simply move on?

Move to what? An America where Freedom of Religion will become Freedom of Worship? An American Where the Freedom of Assembly is only for the rabble? An America where Free speech is only for the politically approved - especially on campus? An American where freedom of the Press is only for outlets owned by large corporations and the news is what a left-leaning logarithm tells you it is? An American where the judicial system is hijacked by the political system and therefore no one believes he can get a fair trial without pouring a libation to the executive? Now let's think the Left has called DT a Nazi (or at best a neo-Nazi) and compare legitimate campaign stops to Nazi Rallies really. Where are his brown shirts We have seen the violence perpetrated by the left but not by DT supports (most of whom have jobs) , we have witnessed the Goeppelesque newspeak from the Establishment media? We have the popular embracing of corrupt anti-freedom, the anti-working class leftist candidate who is so sure of here machine that it has not provided access to its' own fawning propaganda machine (mainstream press) for 120 days and has lied about it! After the 1st amendment, what is on the agenda the 2nd, 14th? certainly the 9th and 10th

Can we stop it - I don't know is it too late I don't know the importation of 30 million new voters, the obfuscation of voting rules, the outright cheating, and the lack of support for the citizens in favor of foreigners on the part of what should be the opposition makes me a little pessimistic  But we must try if only for our children - we owe it to our ancestors and to our country . Or maybe we are just being punished.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Nepotes mei sunt, non erit Americana reliquis

Disney, which used to known for its great Family Movies so wholesome they were actually "hokey" . When I was growing the Sunday night TV ritual (the last night we were allowed to watch TV that was not just the news) We would all gather together after dinner and watch Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, The Wonderful World of Disney. Disney has capitalized on this reservoir of innocent  good will  nostalgia for a generation and half.  Now I look at The Disney Channel, ABC, Disney Movies, even Disney Land  etc. and think what happened. The Happiest place on earth Has become the dark castle housing Corporate Bullies. The carefree innocence of of the wholesome American values had become the enforcer of the New World Values. The place where you could park your kids with the a degree of assurance that they will be safe from malignant  or salacious influences - is not only filling the airwaves with filth, and is propagandizing values expressly counter to your own - but actually will threaten you and your with punitive sanctions if you dare stand up for your values. Since when did Standing up for Christ make you a racist, Since when did expecting your elected representatives to actually represent you make you a homophobe? Since when did simply standing up for the rights enshrined in the constitution make you a bigot? It is not simply Disney BTW it is The NFL,Intel, AMC,Dow, Salesforce, HRC, LiveNation, Starz, 20Century Fox, Sony, The Weinstein Company, Comedy Dynamics, not to mention the celebrity "change warriors"

I am assuming that these companies are also threatening to boycott any state which basis a defense of common values I mean antigay bill. I wonder if anyone at these companies actually reads the bill - or maybe they just hate Christ.  They certainly seem to hate Christians. These folks are treating people who simply stand up for their religious beliefs like they treated South Africa under Apartheid.  Forget about Religious beliefs what about simply the right of folks to use gender appropriate bathrooms.! Forget that Religious Freedom is enshrined in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution and the freedom to go potty is not mentioned anywhere, although watch out there is a vacancy on the court.

Let me get this straight, if you have been have a business which has been serving the public for years regardless of the any personal life, lifestyle, race or religion then because of their  religious beliefs cannot provide this service for a specific event then you are a bigot. So if you go to a Kosher deli and ask them to cater a Baptism and they refuse - are they bigots. If you go to a Christian pizzeria, florists, wedding planner and ask to plan, cater, of supply your gay wedding - after they have served you and your partner for years but cannot condone the use of the word wedding - they are bigots and despite the 1st amendment - the full force of state regulatory authority is thrown at you  - without there ever having been a vote !!.

As we all know the US is not traditional nation united by ethnicity, inheritance, religion, race etc we are a people united by law supported by some traditions i.e. Thanksgiving, Forth of July, Jazz and Earth Wind and Fire on Summer afternoon cook outs (EWF is what America sounds like  in the Summer think about it ) The Constitution,  Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, all fruit of a vine whose roots are in Magna Carta but whose seed is Mosaic. This web creates lacework of shared values become spun into Federal, State and Local laws where the tensions between the  jurisdictions are balanced and reconciled by the court system. In the past two generations we have found this balance usurped by  overarching rapaciousness of the regulator. These apparatchiks are now at least (for the left)   buttressed of the media and corporate institutions. Institutions which in the past either were political neutral - which meant they supported both sides or at least sought the path of greater profit by reflecting  the "bourgeois" taste of the vast middle class. There seems to be a sea change  lately instead of supporting traditional Abrahamic  values   there seems to be a push to proselytize  and in the failure of conversion, "Jihadize"   the "silent majority" of Americans into shifting those  values and in some cases abandoning those values.    The cultural Crusade declared on some of the States (all Red States Strangely) by American corporations seems to run directly contrary to why the settlers colonized the US God, Gold,  and Glory seem to have faded into a misogynist, white past.

 The raison d'être of America country now seems  tolerance, acceptance, and diversity not  truth , justice and Freedom  (of the left but not by the left) Diversity (for your protected  classes but not for those who truly dare to be different dare I say normal as for acceptance they accept only that which seems to be novelty even perverse. What was porn is now advertizing, what was was evil has become comedy, and comedy instead of simply being funny must not be made both relevant and banal. Even young people on college campus who one could count on to be counter cultural or at least question the establishment are the shock troops of the new orthodoxy not challenging their professors (the radical lefties) but acting as the thought police and Gestapo of new inquisition . "NO ONE expects the Oberlin Inquisition" all of the aided and abetted by major corporations, significant plutocrats (and Pluto the dog), if a college boy wants to get laid he must 1st admit he is a rapist  (in my day you had to be pronuclear freeze). If you want to participate in Student Government you have to admit the the white slave owning documents i.e. the US constitution is an instrument the patriarchy and must be overthrown then you can vote on the beer bash in the college hall. If your professor even floats the idea that western Civilization may have made a positive contribution to mankind (thats right I said it) he must be silenced F#k tenure. But I digress.

What I fail to understand is the why? Is the Transgender population so large the corporate America is fearfull of the demographic? Does the LGBTQ community command such a large percentage of the market that these corporation will go out of business if they stopped supporting Disney products. Are these cooporations so sure of the passivity of the silent majorty (if it still exsists) that they don't care if thye are offened or is the SM so tired of working two jobs, feed enough propganda that there really has been a cultural shift, or may too brroke to afford the fare offered by these componies, or pay theexorbatened prices for tickit to these venues? Maybe it is all three. DO  the professional corporate change agents  think that  they can thrive by appealing to the part of the market that progressive,  affluent, or at least aspirational and the Bubba's of this world will stay home and just  watch TV which they must get from "US" go to movies which they get from "US", read wait they don't read! Let's just say consume media that they get from "US".  Will they rise up and turn off their TV's?
 We don't think so since they are too stupid to read anything beyond the gossip magazines which are printed by "US". Will "they"  boycott our higher end products? Nope "they" can't afford pay products who can afford a trip to Disney or NFL tickets or Springsteen tick,  and their kids in college? well their income is disposible since the parents, Federal government etc are picking up the tab. Or is there something even more sinister. Do they  really believe what they say about "tolerance etc. and are willing to risk (but not really) alienating the SM in order to stand up for their beliefs?  Is Bob Igor the modern day Pope Clement VII? Well, I doubt that.  I suspect that these states have already been targeted for some other kind of bulling,  after all if today you pass this legislation we will do ....... today.
Tomorrow or perhaps in the fall (could be) if you vote for this candidate we will.............

Disney is opening up a Disney world in China that great bastion of diversity  and tolerance Starz has just lunched a service in Middle East!  StarZ Arabia serving  the Levant including but limited to Saudi Arabia,  that bastion of diversity
The NFL will be expanding to China wonder what the bathroom policy is there ?
(BTW ESPN owned by Disney)
Im my bar this topic was a non topic it was under the radar of every person in bar. Upon thinking about it most men and all women were upset with the idea of women using men baths but really against men using women's due to the chance of abuse. However the overwhelming response was why is this an issue and why would any corporation much less NFL or Disney! There must be another agenda here one said one we cant figure out. Maybe they are trying to set a public corporate blackmail precedent (I mentioned that earlier). Maybe it's just about marketing the" LBGTQ market may be small but it is wealthy" Disney which for some reason seem to be the recipient of the most venom - (NFL people just went  duh?)  It is well know that Disney was a leader on the replacement  of the American worker by HB1 visas - since they cant export their jobs  Disney choose the replace American workers with foreign guest workers (indentured servants was a term which came to mind).
So what has prompted  these threats no one is really sure but we are sure the Disney is an expert on taking away jobs for Americans

One last thought it was whispered to me Sister Lucy of Fatima fame reported that she was told by The Virgin That the final battle for the souls of mankind will be the battle of the Family. Just something to think about"say your prayers and fast"

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Nam duos pullos candidum sedentem loqu

Lena Dunhamization of the Republican campaign
Trump, White Woman Privilege, and the grab.

It took a while for me to get on the Trump Train. As a NY I could not be violently anti-Trump but like many others thought he might be perceived outside of the Tri-state area as a Vulgarian. I recall the NY  "Pearl Clutchers" was appalled by what he did to the beautiful Bonwitt Tellers statues all those years ago. The public nature of the crumbling of his 1st marriage,  the  2nd wife lined up and ready to replace Ivanna as too Ann Boleyn "esque"  for most bourgeois sensibilities. From my perspective, yes they were nice statues but there were his to do with whatever he wants. His marriage was his business and my not be the way I would wish to conduct my business, but  I saw what he was doing for the City when the Federal Government was saying “Drop Dead”, When "the proud the privileged and the Protestant” were abandoning the City and moving to the burbs, when The City was so broke and mismanaged that it could not even get a skating rink opened - how Hard could that be?  

DT to the City’s rescue. His over the topness was in many ways what we all had to be to keep NYC from going the way Detroit or Newark, Rochester, etc just when you think Iy cannot happen to your home town, look at Bridgeport, or Hartford. It took the larger than life to respond to “drop dead"?!  With "You talking to me!  FK YOU “  Then proceed to re-build the City with FU attitude. This attitude may get lost in translation west of Philly.  Today Americans are so angry I think many do  “get it “  It  took someone from one the most PC Places in the world, suffering under the increasing yoke  of Federal overreach, State government intolerance, and Local Government Authoritarianism  increasingly morphing in totalitarianism (buy a lightbulb lately) to say we can’t take this crap anymore and someone should at least try to stop it! Maybe it's too late or maybe it's our last chance. The Country may be able to survive more of the same milquetoast,  government, as usual,  Bushys, Rubio’s, Canters, Grahams et all.  They have ruined the country or at least tried to.  The same old,  same old is how we got here - then they voted for the Obama Budget and No became "hell to the Muthafuckin” No"!  

 In Donald Trump, we seemed to have found an American who is as angry as we are, and powerful enough to not afraid to show it.  Trump would now play a part in restoring the Country like he helped restore the City  But this time as a leader of a movement not simply as a smart businessman who loved his home town.  More and more Americans seem to  be getting it,  until last week when the forces of the Conservative Chattering Classes (CCC) and the Party of Baby Killers, and  what Carly Fiorina called the Professional Political Class (TPPC) all seem to coalesce in the stop Trump movement 
Originally I was a Carly fan. Like most men who came of age in the 1980’s I look for Ronald Regan in every Male politician and Lady Thatcher  in every Female conservative politician (although my version of Lady Thatcher is pro-life) In Carly F.  I thought we had a profile American Lady T who could take on and politically “Bitch slap” Hillary Clinton - lets face it  what man doesn't  like a good catfight. Alas, that was not to be and as I watched the debates unfold I remembered DT can make American Great again because he was instrumental in making NYC Great Again both physically in buildings and mentally with attitude - and the USA  needs both. This country has lost more than its jobs, it's manufacturing base, etc it has lost its swagger We no longer think of ourselves as  the  Big Swinging Dicks of the world (odd with a Black President)  but as a people who need "safe spaces, Instead fighting evil we object to "micro-aggressions", seek safe spaces instead of challenges.  WTF does all of this have to do with Michelle Fields and Corey Lewandowski?   

Let's start with her original accusation or let's go to the videotape 
In her original Accusation, Ms. Fields accused CL of grabbing her so hard she "nearly fell to the ground and that he...... left her "wrists bruised". When one looks at the Videotape please show how he grabbed her so hard so as to cause bruising? Could the bruises have been caused by  Secret Service agents who grabbed her wrists prior to  CL's intervention? Yes yes CL did state he did not know her and he never touched her How many men when faced with an accusation from a woman first instinct is to say "Hey I nevah touched Huh" Plus even if he did know her or know of her what a better to show his contempt for her by stating he does not even know who she is?  Is this a possible source of the pearl-clutching on the part of the PriWWE's (Privileged White Woman Establishment) That a man who touched her doesn't remember her name?

Battery comes on,  what an insult to all of the real battered women in our society who cannot run to the soft embrace of the Chattering Classes. Off course now that Slate, Ben Shapiro, Beck, Michael Steles, Mitt Romney, Lesley Grahams,  National Review, AKA Anyone  but Trump  crowd have come out of their Hillary's may - not -  be  - so -  bad - closets, and try to either resuscitate Jeb or replace democracy or Replay the great white hope Romney perhaps even the Abs for President Ryan (getting him the job of a speaker for life was not enough) all who could not win their own home States are expected to bring it home for GOP. If you really think they ARE GOING TO SUPPORT CRUZ?  "I gotta bridge to sell ya"
but I digress

The DT campaign released the videotape why would have done that if it does not prove the veracity of the CL point of view? With the Tap, we can all see what Happened. And what did Happen, I saw a reporter hell-bent on getting her story  completely ignoring the security bubble which surrounds a presidential candidate who had had numerous public death treats coming, a man whose physical person  the SS has had to be protected from agent provocateurs, one who rushed a podium  Yet his fellow Republicans who can't stop calling in to question DT loyalty use this opportunity to attack him for WHTA loyalty to his employee who looks as though he was at the most being vigorous in protecting the physical safety of his Candidate!     BTW did it look as though she almost fell? 

The reaction of the entire political establishment of this country - which I expected to be dismissive of the event as a non event was to explode indignation  "How dare he, this is the end of Trump,  He needs to disavow, This is assault,"I expected that from the Lame Street Press, The White House, Hillary Clinton's campaign - with their "strong pro-woman positions, (as long as they are not pre-born) even the "fair and Balanced channel seems neither! It was as if DT had " Knocked the woman  to the ground,  boiled, stuffed and eaten her children" But the fact that fellow Republicans  if out of nothing but self-interest should  have used this as a unity building opportunity but instead they will try to leverage this as an attempt StOP Trump, like they can. 

But what did we get? The turning of a non-event into yet another battle in the so-called war on women with DT who employees women in very senior positions and pays them the same as men (Obama's White House call your service) The shadiness of Cruz and Kasich I understand politics is a blood sport but DAYUM. This was Real Housewives degree of shade Atlanta style (especially Cruz).  Kasich at least admitted he did not know exactly what happened but then preceded to serve up tea without any sugar. They would not even give Corey Lewandowski (CL) the benefit of the doubt, they threw out the constitutional presumption of innocence and had Corey Lewandowski fired, disgraced, and convicted without so much of an if, alleged, or hypothetical! Was it the ambition of their part I suspect it was more than ambition CL has been an excellent campaign manager for DT his loss would affect the campaign. More than ambition it was contempt. 

 Contempt for DT for daring to enter the race and beat them at their own game. Contempt for the American people voting for DT To think an economy of underemployment, low wages, overregulation, bad trade deals, corruption, incompetence, executive overreach, and managed decline are not resisted or opposed but explained away leveraged for talking points and in the end  passed, funded, and in some cases embraced by what is supposed to be the opposition. These guys sound more the opposing party than confreres, enemies than rivals, schoolgirls rather than statesmen.  When Cruz's campaign was accused of shenanigans in Iowa he blamed the Media yet when DT's man is accused of wrongdoing,  produces the Media! Yet gets called out for "doubling down". DT did what any man should do, what our fathers taught us to when your friend is accused of something and says he did not do it believe him support him, have his back until proven otherwise. Abandoning your friends when they need you if DT would be willing to cut CL lose on the accusation of a serial accuser such as Michelle Fields, with inconclusive evidence, charged by a sheriffs department that is known to be politically biased in one of the most politically corrupt States in the Union.  Do I want a President who abandons his friends then tries to positively spin said abandonment?  I thought about a President who allows our marines to be captured and humiliated when they out gun their adversary then spins the humiliation into a foreign policy victory, thanking the kidnappers!
From the way, Cruz and Kasich reacted I thought Carl Lewandowski might have been Black - I knew Michelle Fields could only be White.

Yeah, I thought Carl Lewandowski might be Black or a member of the Duke Lacrosse team, maybe a frat member at UV I was so sure without ever seeing a picture of her that Michelle Fields had to be white. Why do I say that the vehemence with which most the women of the press reacted to her story? How many of them reached for the no man should physically touch any woman troupe, how despite the evidence of their own eyes that this woman was not assaulted. Carl dared state he doesn't remember her, or that he did not do it - now states that he does not remember the incident The professionally outrages are willing dismiss not only the evidence of their eyes but the memory of their own experience. If any of them were ever in the "press middle to upper-middle-class White Woman is the receipt from wombs (if their mothers let them live) to the tomb of the greatest amount of privilege this society can bestow.   Middle to Upper-middle-class white women are the greatest beneficiary of Affirmative Action, Title 9 (which has hallowed out whole sections of college sports in a quest for parity between the sports people watch and the sports we don't. How many male sports reporters are allowed into female locker rooms? You insist on being treated like men but when you are, you cry out for preferment. A seat at the table, perpetuate a  myth of unequal pay, accuse us of being the gender of rapist and misogynist, but when we actually treat you like we treat each other than its time to scream manhandled. If Michelle's name was Micheal, would he be this week's cause celebre?  Would this even be news?  I listened to various chat shows several of which are either all or mostly women as hosts and guests and with rare exception (usually from only the woman of color on the panel) would come to the thought the scrum is a really tough place to be,  a physical place, we can expect some degree of jostling and grabbing as we compete to question the candidate. Seriously if Miss Thang is such a delicate flower what is she doing in the rough and tumble world of political reporting maybe she should be a fashion reporter?  Perhaps she should work for Rolling Stone, or just carry a mattress with her to every venue as a trigger warning.   BTW notice how all of this talk has ended after the Wisconsin Primary, Maybe the Establishment should try to get  Michelle to wear higher heels and try to grab DT' s wrist before the NY Primary.