Peccatum peccavit Hierusalem propterea instabilis facta est omnes qui glorificabant eam spreverunt illam quia viderunt ignominiam eius ipsa autem gemens et conversa retrorsum. *
We began talking about the growing irrelevance of never-Trumpers and about how the Bush’s are in danger of becoming a dynasty known for not keeping its word i.e. "no new taxes" or “I will support the candidate of the party"... etc, How Romney has become a joke, How Bill Kristol and The National Review are headed down the same road of inconsequence as the NYT in our daily lives. But then we looked up from our drinks and saw the news.
I was on my second martini as the chat was percolating with thoughts on the growing irrelevance of those in the never-Trump camp when we were suddenly riveted by images of June 3rd on the television above the bar.
Grown men, not youths surrounding young people and women, isolating one young woman from the crown the pelting her with food and screaming sexual expletives while she cowered and tried to keep calm. Swarthy men with bandanas, many covering their faces, with bandanas or with the flags of their country shouting anti-American slogans - threatening American citizens with further violence in many cases actually physically abusing them! While all of this is going on the government of the USA while capable of intervening to protect its citizens, once again under a Democratic administration fails to summon the political will, or perhaps this narrative plays into a long term domestic political strategy?
The gangs threaten and perpetrate violence on American citizens while wearing American jeans, and their very living is supported by the very American taxpayer (to the tune of Billions if not hundreds of billions of dollars) of American taxpayer money. Talk about biting the hands that feed you! Many of the usual media suspects refer to rabble as "protesters", they recall foreign formerly third world lands' anti-American riots. But this was not Bashir's Syria, nor the Ayatollah's Iran, not Libya or even London, or Caracas ( although it was Latin America) It was San Jose, California USA!! Image American citizens attacked, violently by foreigners in our own land and what do we hear crickets!
This was not some foreign shore (well it's Jerry Brown's Democratic Republic of California so how American it is now is a matter of some debate) but San Jose June 3rd, 2016! and the lame street press along with the Administration, and the democratic party establishment (along with some members of the GOP Establishment whose silence is as defeating as the pro-Trump cheers) have assured no condemnation of the violence? How many times has Donald Trump been asked to renounce David Duke? What was all of that hullabaloo regarding the reporter whose name I can't recall getting pushed so that she almost fell? No here they blame Donald Trump the Candidate daring to challenge the Establishment Orthodoxy on management America's decline, on the innate racism of the American people, and their concomitant laziness. The worse was not just the blaming of the candidate exercising his 1st amendment right to speak but blaming the people who dare exercise their 1st amendment right of free assembly. To hear a candidate speak prior to their exercising right to vote! These American citizens were not just harangued by the mob but physically assaulted the mob went wild (or wilding remember the 80's) as if they were possessed (see Ann Coulter's Book Mugged)
Where was the outrage from the Lamestream Media?
The time and place I thought was not some far off shore or even a time long ago but Birmingham, Selma, Atlanta, Chicago, LA the litany even Berlin - the litany of civil rights battles when and where peaceful people exercising their constitutionally protected rights were assaulted by a mob and the police did nothing or in some cases aided and abetted the assault . What kind of Police Officer or any kind of peace officer could stand aside while his fellow citizens were attacked by gangs and do nothing? What kind of grown men (armed BTW and sworn "to Serve and Protect") can stand aside and do nothing while young people are assaulted be a rabble and do nothing? What kind of American can offshore and watch defenseless people being attacked with rock, bottles, and stones a young girl cowering in a building corner in front of a door were grown on the other side and do nothing? If you want to know what side you would be on in Kristallnacht, or the March on Selma, or the Attack of the Civil Rights protesters in Birmingham SJPD you have your answers, sorry but "the defense of the following order" has already been tried. The SJPD is now on par with Birmingham PD circa 1963 and the Mayor Sam Liccardo (D) surprise! is the Bull Conner (D) of June 3, 2016
Like Selma, Birmingham , Chicago, Baltimore, we are talking about places where Democratic rule, in some cases for a generation and the rule has bought thriving communities to their knees in poverty, low expectation, and corruption while the political elite scream peace and justice, the citizen is deprived of the fundamental American Freedom - opportunity - the hope for change (pun intended) Have any of you heard from the Justice Department BTW ? I guess now is the time to respect "States Rights" Does Civil rights extend to all citizens of this Republic or is just to those on the Upper West Side, Hollywood, DC political/ Media class. Do Civil rights mean everyone or does it just mean Those who agree with the prevailing establishment?
Yes, I dare compare them to the CRM of the '60s Just as I compare pro-life movement to abolitionist of the 19th century. I submit to you the CRM has been Hijacked by the left which is neither Civil nor right they accuse tradition of forcing of "your way of life" yet use the administrative power of the State to impose their evolution of the greater population all without votes. They equate the right to infanticide as health, (how healthy is it for the baby?). Recall the 1990's when to stop citizens from praying and protesting in front of abortuaries many states invoked RICO laws to break the back of pro-life groups and individuals. Is anyone using these laws to even investigate the conspiratorial nature of the organized left to DT supporters? Or should we simply move on?
Move to what? An America where Freedom of Religion will become Freedom of Worship? An American Where the Freedom of Assembly is only for the rabble? An America where Free speech is only for the politically approved - especially on campus? An American where freedom of the Press is only for outlets owned by large corporations and the news is what a left-leaning logarithm tells you it is? An American where the judicial system is hijacked by the political system and therefore no one believes he can get a fair trial without pouring a libation to the executive? Now let's think the Left has called DT a Nazi (or at best a neo-Nazi) and compare legitimate campaign stops to Nazi Rallies really. Where are his brown shirts We have seen the violence perpetrated by the left but not by DT supports (most of whom have jobs) , we have witnessed the Goeppelesque newspeak from the Establishment media? We have the popular embracing of corrupt anti-freedom, the anti-working class leftist candidate who is so sure of here machine that it has not provided access to its' own fawning propaganda machine (mainstream press) for 120 days and has lied about it! After the 1st amendment, what is on the agenda the 2nd, 14th? certainly the 9th and 10th
Can we stop it - I don't know is it too late I don't know the importation of 30 million new voters, the obfuscation of voting rules, the outright cheating, and the lack of support for the citizens in favor of foreigners on the part of what should be the opposition makes me a little pessimistic But we must try if only for our children - we owe it to our ancestors and to our country . Or maybe we are just being punished.
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