Monday, May 9, 2016

Nepotes mei sunt, non erit Americana reliquis

Disney, which used to known for its great Family Movies so wholesome they were actually "hokey" . When I was growing the Sunday night TV ritual (the last night we were allowed to watch TV that was not just the news) We would all gather together after dinner and watch Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, The Wonderful World of Disney. Disney has capitalized on this reservoir of innocent  good will  nostalgia for a generation and half.  Now I look at The Disney Channel, ABC, Disney Movies, even Disney Land  etc. and think what happened. The Happiest place on earth Has become the dark castle housing Corporate Bullies. The carefree innocence of of the wholesome American values had become the enforcer of the New World Values. The place where you could park your kids with the a degree of assurance that they will be safe from malignant  or salacious influences - is not only filling the airwaves with filth, and is propagandizing values expressly counter to your own - but actually will threaten you and your with punitive sanctions if you dare stand up for your values. Since when did Standing up for Christ make you a racist, Since when did expecting your elected representatives to actually represent you make you a homophobe? Since when did simply standing up for the rights enshrined in the constitution make you a bigot? It is not simply Disney BTW it is The NFL,Intel, AMC,Dow, Salesforce, HRC, LiveNation, Starz, 20Century Fox, Sony, The Weinstein Company, Comedy Dynamics, not to mention the celebrity "change warriors"

I am assuming that these companies are also threatening to boycott any state which basis a defense of common values I mean antigay bill. I wonder if anyone at these companies actually reads the bill - or maybe they just hate Christ.  They certainly seem to hate Christians. These folks are treating people who simply stand up for their religious beliefs like they treated South Africa under Apartheid.  Forget about Religious beliefs what about simply the right of folks to use gender appropriate bathrooms.! Forget that Religious Freedom is enshrined in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution and the freedom to go potty is not mentioned anywhere, although watch out there is a vacancy on the court.

Let me get this straight, if you have been have a business which has been serving the public for years regardless of the any personal life, lifestyle, race or religion then because of their  religious beliefs cannot provide this service for a specific event then you are a bigot. So if you go to a Kosher deli and ask them to cater a Baptism and they refuse - are they bigots. If you go to a Christian pizzeria, florists, wedding planner and ask to plan, cater, of supply your gay wedding - after they have served you and your partner for years but cannot condone the use of the word wedding - they are bigots and despite the 1st amendment - the full force of state regulatory authority is thrown at you  - without there ever having been a vote !!.

As we all know the US is not traditional nation united by ethnicity, inheritance, religion, race etc we are a people united by law supported by some traditions i.e. Thanksgiving, Forth of July, Jazz and Earth Wind and Fire on Summer afternoon cook outs (EWF is what America sounds like  in the Summer think about it ) The Constitution,  Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, all fruit of a vine whose roots are in Magna Carta but whose seed is Mosaic. This web creates lacework of shared values become spun into Federal, State and Local laws where the tensions between the  jurisdictions are balanced and reconciled by the court system. In the past two generations we have found this balance usurped by  overarching rapaciousness of the regulator. These apparatchiks are now at least (for the left)   buttressed of the media and corporate institutions. Institutions which in the past either were political neutral - which meant they supported both sides or at least sought the path of greater profit by reflecting  the "bourgeois" taste of the vast middle class. There seems to be a sea change  lately instead of supporting traditional Abrahamic  values   there seems to be a push to proselytize  and in the failure of conversion, "Jihadize"   the "silent majority" of Americans into shifting those  values and in some cases abandoning those values.    The cultural Crusade declared on some of the States (all Red States Strangely) by American corporations seems to run directly contrary to why the settlers colonized the US God, Gold,  and Glory seem to have faded into a misogynist, white past.

 The raison d'ĂȘtre of America country now seems  tolerance, acceptance, and diversity not  truth , justice and Freedom  (of the left but not by the left) Diversity (for your protected  classes but not for those who truly dare to be different dare I say normal as for acceptance they accept only that which seems to be novelty even perverse. What was porn is now advertizing, what was was evil has become comedy, and comedy instead of simply being funny must not be made both relevant and banal. Even young people on college campus who one could count on to be counter cultural or at least question the establishment are the shock troops of the new orthodoxy not challenging their professors (the radical lefties) but acting as the thought police and Gestapo of new inquisition . "NO ONE expects the Oberlin Inquisition" all of the aided and abetted by major corporations, significant plutocrats (and Pluto the dog), if a college boy wants to get laid he must 1st admit he is a rapist  (in my day you had to be pronuclear freeze). If you want to participate in Student Government you have to admit the the white slave owning documents i.e. the US constitution is an instrument the patriarchy and must be overthrown then you can vote on the beer bash in the college hall. If your professor even floats the idea that western Civilization may have made a positive contribution to mankind (thats right I said it) he must be silenced F#k tenure. But I digress.

What I fail to understand is the why? Is the Transgender population so large the corporate America is fearfull of the demographic? Does the LGBTQ community command such a large percentage of the market that these corporation will go out of business if they stopped supporting Disney products. Are these cooporations so sure of the passivity of the silent majorty (if it still exsists) that they don't care if thye are offened or is the SM so tired of working two jobs, feed enough propganda that there really has been a cultural shift, or may too brroke to afford the fare offered by these componies, or pay theexorbatened prices for tickit to these venues? Maybe it is all three. DO  the professional corporate change agents  think that  they can thrive by appealing to the part of the market that progressive,  affluent, or at least aspirational and the Bubba's of this world will stay home and just  watch TV which they must get from "US" go to movies which they get from "US", read wait they don't read! Let's just say consume media that they get from "US".  Will they rise up and turn off their TV's?
 We don't think so since they are too stupid to read anything beyond the gossip magazines which are printed by "US". Will "they"  boycott our higher end products? Nope "they" can't afford pay products who can afford a trip to Disney or NFL tickets or Springsteen tick,  and their kids in college? well their income is disposible since the parents, Federal government etc are picking up the tab. Or is there something even more sinister. Do they  really believe what they say about "tolerance etc. and are willing to risk (but not really) alienating the SM in order to stand up for their beliefs?  Is Bob Igor the modern day Pope Clement VII? Well, I doubt that.  I suspect that these states have already been targeted for some other kind of bulling,  after all if today you pass this legislation we will do ....... today.
Tomorrow or perhaps in the fall (could be) if you vote for this candidate we will.............

Disney is opening up a Disney world in China that great bastion of diversity  and tolerance Starz has just lunched a service in Middle East!  StarZ Arabia serving  the Levant including but limited to Saudi Arabia,  that bastion of diversity
The NFL will be expanding to China wonder what the bathroom policy is there ?
(BTW ESPN owned by Disney)
Im my bar this topic was a non topic it was under the radar of every person in bar. Upon thinking about it most men and all women were upset with the idea of women using men baths but really against men using women's due to the chance of abuse. However the overwhelming response was why is this an issue and why would any corporation much less NFL or Disney! There must be another agenda here one said one we cant figure out. Maybe they are trying to set a public corporate blackmail precedent (I mentioned that earlier). Maybe it's just about marketing the" LBGTQ market may be small but it is wealthy" Disney which for some reason seem to be the recipient of the most venom - (NFL people just went  duh?)  It is well know that Disney was a leader on the replacement  of the American worker by HB1 visas - since they cant export their jobs  Disney choose the replace American workers with foreign guest workers (indentured servants was a term which came to mind).
So what has prompted  these threats no one is really sure but we are sure the Disney is an expert on taking away jobs for Americans

One last thought it was whispered to me Sister Lucy of Fatima fame reported that she was told by The Virgin That the final battle for the souls of mankind will be the battle of the Family. Just something to think about"say your prayers and fast"

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