Friday, October 14, 2016

Bigot is, as Bigots does

I was so looking forward to writing about Holy Women, NUNS, Sisters, and Misogyny looking forward to taking a break from Presidential politics and move on the something else.

Then came that major address / political ad on bigotry when one candidate accused the other of being a racist, by virtue of some of his fringe supporters, accusing [him of EMBRACING THEM(FC) or at the very least not denouncing them again. Of questioning the Presidents minimum qualifications to run (although questioning the qualification of other was not deemed racist), while she herself opened the door on this question when she ran against the President. I guess when I do it its called vetting when you do is racist!

In addition, a week later came the accusation, later clarified but not revoked that millions of Americans are “deplorable” Are either of the candidates' Bigots? I do not think so I hope not but the ole leftist dog whistle of accusing anyone who not only disagrees with you but even questions your failed policies must be a racist. While I am sure that the frequency of the accusations from the left has become such old hat have lost its all but its shock value. It does have the effect of flashing a shiny object at the short attention spanned press corp, and providing the typing are mo the DNC (CNN, NYT, MSNBC etc.) talking points for the week. It also seems to trigger in the voting public an intellectual of civic laziness. Instead of doing our public policy homework we can simply charge the opposition with racism cite the gossip dressed as fact page of the Huffington post The left uses it to stop conversations about policy (along with misogynist, homophobe, ‘ racist, nazi, nativist, xenophobe, etc) Well it looks like "that ole dog just won’t hunt” Which is too bad because the political system in this country is riddled with all of the ills and they are for the most part on the left. This instance on race-based ideological purity means the charge of racism will have less value over time, leading to less service for REAL Victims of Racism.

While watching the news we saw an HRC Add calling out DT a Bigot. as my jaw dropped and I NEARLY Spilled my drink!! My first thought was “this woman has nothing left to say” How can you hold DT accountable for who vote for him; he has not embraced these folks. You have embraced policies which are racist even genocidal. I do not want to deconstruct every accusation since other and better writers than I Have addressed that, nor do I want to engage in an overall counterattack of Mrs. Clinton I will leave that to Mr. Trump. But what I do want to do is throw my opinion into the ring of conversation on race and politics. Unless we wish to descend into tribal politics which will not serve the country at all.We should as clinically as possible look at policy and practice to determine whose policies are in fact racist. In the end, I don't care about motivation I care about results.

The most basic opportunity policy anyone can discuss in our society is education. The US spends more money per capita than any other country in the world. Yet the results become more and more abysmal each year. Basically, it is a declining return on investment the more we spend the lower our test score becomes. I recall reading that the state of California determines how much prison space is needed based on third-grade reading levels the fewer eight-year-olds who read at grade level determine how much prison space will be needed 16 years later! Yet HRC proposals are all targeted toward more funding for teachers union, more funding for brick and mortars school (no amounts given nor schema to pay for it ) and two billion dollars In addition, funding  
providing $2 billion in support to schools to reform overly punitive disciplinary policies, calling on states to reform school disturbance laws, and encouraging states to use federal education funding to implement social and emotional support interventions."

Again sans word on where the billions come from and this is only K-12 !! for others there is loan forgiveness free tuition at State and community colleges we are talking 10's of billions of dollars, which will be provided by some vague scheme to tax the rich by ending loopholes. Aside from the constitutional questions Yes where does the Federal government get the Authority to do this? And the practical question should not the states be in the business of regulating state institutions? None of her policies address the question of what to do with little Johnny, Juan, or Dwayne today, this fall well I suppose if we wait long enough her husband's drug laws will solve the problems for us.  Of course, they take the decision making authority out of the hands of parents and into the hands of the great liberal social worker, bureaucrat, government regulator. Why should not the children of the inner city (aka Black and Hispanic) have the same education choices as other children or most importantly why should their parent not make these choices?

DT is also talking about spending 10's of billions of dollars on education. Unlike HRC, DT policy is to reallocate existing dollars not raising taxes for new dollars! He points out that we already spend as much if not more than most of the world per capita but with diminishing return. He advocates taking this money and putting in the hands of the states (as per the 9th amendment) and wait for it .... the actual parents and per both the 10th amendment and natural law.
How does this policy reveal the inner working of a bigots mind? The assumption on the one hand that the federal government knows what is better for you than you do. And that the only criteria for this assumption is class. You Blacks cannot know how to or may not even wish to properly educate your own children so the state must make these decisions for you. 

Taxes and the size of government People accuse DT of not being specific, they are obviously too lazy to go to his website or are simply repeating the lies from the DNC's ministry of Propaganda (ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS even sometimes Fox news) HRC positions are platitudes, not policy and even the platitudes ignore history and economics.  What it boils down to is HRC wants to raise taxes on the rich and corporations an then take that money to expand the size of government through increased regulation. We all know that more government means less freedom, but the nitty-gritty of this plan is higher corporate taxes! Corporations do not pay corporate taxes WE DO. The increased costs of taxes and regulations are passed on to the consumer; placing a regressive tax on those least able to pay. In other words, HRC wants to take away your liberty by expanding government, place more debt on your children and grandchildren by deepening the deficit and have you pay more for goods and services as corporations pass their costs on to you through higher prices, smaller sizes, or higher service fees. We know this already, how is this racist? As you hold to the Liberal myths about who the poor are, then the effect of forcing them to pay a higher portion of their income for the same goods and services is racist.  DT's tax and economic policies are to foster economic growth which raises wages naturally, provides jobs naturally and gives those of us with the least amount of options more freedom to forge our own financial futures. In addition, It is thought that this new corporate tax policy would mean that large American corporations which have been holding or exporting profits  overseas will repatriate trillions (as many as 13 trillion) back to the Good Ole USofA that is a start in the dent of the Grecian style deficit that the policies HRC and her confreres advocates have left us!!

Lowering business and personal taxes, reducing the size have to lead to economic growth, expanding GDP, and prosperity every time it /they have been enacted not just here but everywhere, there is even a word for "Thatcherism". Thatcherism has lifted more people out of poverty since in inception than any other competing economic philosophical construct. India, Brazil (until they gave it up) China, Ireland The UK The US, the list goes on and on ) Expanding the size government with the concomitant loss in personal freedom, has had an opposite effect Venezuela, Sweden, Russia, Cuba, call your service!! The why is beyond economics even politics, it is an issue of liberty. Progressives see liberty as the way they manage the freedom of others i.e slaves, immigrants, you and me constrained only by power. Conservatives, see liberty as the freedom to control our own lives restrained by the ones ability to lessen the freedom of others, and most importantly natural laws which are endowed by The Creator. This worldview is reflected by conservative policies of the government not taking your wealth without due process, therefore removing the incentive to create more wealth. This is immoral, and the people to suffer the most from the immoral government are the weakest people in that society. In our society that means Black Americans.

Lastly but not least - the reason why this has taken so long to write is that I get too emotional about this point, which always seems to go unsaid or unasked. That is Abortion and Infanticide. HRC holds that the unborn child is not entitled to any rights, she also holds that the child may be killed at any time during a pregnancy and even for some unspecified time after birth This woman advocates unrestricted abortion and she wants you to pay for it. She wants your Church to change its dogmas about the sanctity of life and she wants Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts So I suppose, to her  Black lives do matter - for their parts. The most chilling thing I have ever seen was HRC with glee accepting the Margret Sanger award. When the Nazis needed a consultation regarding eugenics they called in Margret Sanger. That woman advocated genocide of the Black and Brown population referring to them a "weeds". More than anything else this is the litmus test of who is truly a bigot. I am reminded of the Godfather movie when a  don who wanted to keep the lucrative business of heroin traffic thought while one should keep it away from kids and playgrounds we may sell to the blacks "they have no souls".

 In order to make slavery work in a  Judaeo Christian world  non white peoples  had to be dehumanized (2/3 human  believe) In order to reestablish Progressive control of over the South Black Americans  had to lose their rights to vote, to  engage in successful family and economic wealth building - and be segregated from society American apartheid or Jim Crow. In order to legitimize progressive philosophy Jim Crow (not to mention federal income tax) had to become national practice, it did under the Great Progressive Woodrow Wilson(D). In order to dilute the potential power of the black vote (I  say potential because as long as Black Americans refuse to exercise that power and hand over votes to one party), We have to replace them with new Americans (along with their jobs, businesses, and neighborhoods). More black men are killed by abortion than every other method combined. In the City of New York, more babies are aborted than are actually born! In DC Abortion kills more Black babies than all other cause of infant mortality combined. Any wonder why PP "showers" are usually in poor neighborhoods?

If Bigotry IS as Bigotry does How many Black Americans have seen their jobs, educational opportunities, and neighborhoods/ cities decline, in multi-generational poverty and violence under 30-50 years of Progressive Reichs? If Bigotry is as Bigotry does How many Black Americans will see the costs of living increase further deterioration of opportunity as our country becomes less free and more corporatist? If Bigotry is as Bigotry does How many will have the core values of their lives come under government scrutiny as Governments feel free to monitor the activities of Churches (mayor of Houston call your service) If Bigotry is as Bigotry does How many Black Americans will see the little political power they have become diluted as new Americans infiltrate our body politic? If Bigotry is as Bigotry does how is it that Genocide is seen acceptable shall we say Final Solution to the problems of poverty in the Inner City? If Bigotry is as Bigotry does who why shouldn't have the same rights as others to determine the education of your children and access to at least comparable resources. If Bigotry is as Bigotry does how many black children were killed by the Basket of Deplorable's vs HRC supporters?

HRC about receiving The MS Award
HRC and the Late KKK Grand Dragon Sen. Robert Byrd

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