Funny how despite the facts that the DNC and the Clinton campaign rebuffed the FBI’s effort to work with them in order to secure electronic communications (while the RNC and Trump For President did) and the fact that Senior members of the Party and the Candidate failed to secure their servers, or announced their passwords to the public. The American Security services and the Left are running with the circumstantial but still as of yet unproven story that The Russian Intelligence service tried to influence the outcome of the American elections!
Duh, Of course, Russian’s did, as they should - As we continuously try to influence the outcome of elections all over the world. President Obama’s utterances on Brexit, dispatching political operatives to Israel The US has interfered in elections/democratic process of allies, adversaries, or any nation where we had significant interests (including Russia) continuously since the War. From Italy1948 through Russia the USA (not counting open military or intelligence coups) has interfered in as many as 81 elections from 1945 through 2000. Indeed, a significant contribution to the Crisis in Ukraine was American interference in the Ukrainian political process resulting in the ouster of the pro-Russia (or should one say realistic - look at a map) government with a pro-Nato one.
The USSR (and Russians), not to mention the UK, France, China etc have also interfered or attempted to influence election outcomes all over the world including the USA as recently of 2016 electoral process. Perhaps if the Russians would produce shows like Downton Abby, we would be more forgiving (the latest version of War and Peace does not count it was a UK Production - that bore some resemblance of the book or at least the Cliff Notes) But I digress. If I were a Russian and my security services were NOT trying to influence the outcome of American or for that matter any Western election I would expect them to be fired at the very least (Gulaged if possible!). As a citizen of the USA I expect, demand that our Government take Cyberwarfare, and foreign intelligence operatives more seriously! I would also expect the Parties and candidates to take FBI warnings about hacking seriously a work with them to block it! Are The Dems are so arrogant, filled with such hubris, have their swollen head so up the privileged asses that they ignore FBI warnings? Maybe Debbie Wassermann Shultz's hair is too big to fit.
Again as far as we know there are no direct links to Russian Intelligence services just strong circumstantial evidence. Yet folks advocate adding further stress to an already strained relationship sans definitive evidence. BTW is there a record of Russian Intelligence operations behaving so clumsily that the leave a trail of breadcrumbs to the door of the Kremlin? Could it possibly be some other actor who left those crumbs? Perhaps a nation which does not want us to address currency manipulation? Or copyright infringement, or industrial espionage, or dumping products, intellectual property theft, investment extortion? Maybe this nation knows that our elites have made so much money off its corruption and off course thanks to the policies of the last thirty years (can’t blame this all on Obama) we are in such hock to them for trillions. Do you think there could be a motive to undermine the legitimacy of a President who wishes to challenge the present status quo?
Or is it Possible that an estranged ally whose relationship with us had been strained to the breaking point, an Ally to whom’s greatest existential threat we have bee ass kissing for the last eight years, This threat to whom We sent the almost 200 billion dollars in unmarked bills as a lovely parting gift from the outgoing administration, An Ally where WE HAVE OPENLY INTERFERED THEIR ELECTIONS and off course supported the losing side! HMMMMMM? I'm not accusing but there are plenty of suspects in this drawing room.
However, if we assume that the intelligence community is correct in their assessment (despite not providing proof, where are those WMD’s BTW) That was all last week news for this week look at what the MSM refers to as spontaneous expressions of outrage by the American public of Moslem Bans (which there is none), Appointments, -all in the mainstream and College speakers on tour who disagree with progressive agenda. not content with " deplorables" are labeled haters and their perfectly sound opinions hate speech! And once again as American exercise their right to peacefully assemble and practice their free speech (remember free speech is as much the right to listen as it is to speak) hooligan’s attack. Mobs attack young people bodily, destroy property, set fires and riot. All this as the police look and do nothing, again remember San Jose! All of this as the press refers to the mob as protesters and the speaker as “Troll”, “Hate Speaker”. CNN even goes so far as to blame the speaker!! not the crowd! All this as the police does stand aside and do nothing - under orders from the Mayor of Berkeley who joined in the name-calling via twitter (he later expressed regret and condemned the violence, would have been better and less costly if he had not restrained his officers from stopping the violence in the first place!) I find it hard to believe that this is still the USA where people can be physically accosted, property destroyed all for thinking, speaking and hold a contrary political opinion ! An opinion which was popular enough win 306 electoral votes and over 1000 elections throughout the nation over the past eight years! Is this the same country that allowed the KKK to march peacefully in Skokie Illinois? I submit to you that UC Berkley was a political “Kristallnacht” and Jesse Arreguin, the Mayor of Berkley is the Julius Lippert, (Mayor of Berlin 1937-1940) of our time. A little too far? Well, I will go further, CNN’s (and other MSM) reporting on the events in Berkeley is really the new Propaganda Ministry of the Left.
Jesse Arreguin |
Julius Lippert |
What does this have to do with Russian Hacking you ask? Well, we all now know that the Ole KGB etc infiltrated, sought to influence and contributed financially to the many of the progressive movements of the American(and Western) left from CPUSA, through Liberation Theology, Nuclear Freeze etc. We also know that They USSR sought to use these movements to politically undermine western remove in the Cold War and desirable political regimes in the West. We know this as a result of documents obtained in eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Empire. We also know that Media, Academia, popular culture, even The Church were all influenced if not comprised in these efforts. Now, this is pure speculation on my part. But If you hold that the Old KGB infiltrated and exerted at least some influence in the direction of Western especially progressive institutions in the past; and the leader of Russia is former head of the KGB is it only logical to query that he has dusted off some old tools updated them secured financing and has deployed them? I'm just asking as we order another round.
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