Thursday, September 1, 2016

Abrenuntias Satanæ? Et omnibus Operibus eius? Et omnibus pompis eius

In a recent opEd written to The Hartford Currant Miss Cullen Shaddox states her Baptismal vows will not only not allow her to vote for Trump but preclude him from speaking at a Catholic University! Where was all of this Holy Outrage when President Obama spoke at Notre Dame? Wait is that still a Catholic University?

Miss Shaddox's position is such an embodiment of  the #nevertrumper Catholics. A noxious cocktail of bourgeois priggishness, SJW progressive elitism, and post conciliar Church Pharisaical ness. Girlfriend is so steeped in her Eastern elitism baked in progressive, SJW Orthodoxy anyone  who dares disagree with her must face triple charges of Bigotry, Misogyny, and (until Orlando) homophobia all encapsulated in two trigger words "Hate Speech"  In her case as in others of her ilk it is particularly offensive since she and others seek to shield their animus behind a Sacramental aegis. Using her Baptismal vows as a foil she claims that while  not comparing Mr. Trump to Satan incarnate she does compare his positions to spirit of hatred and evil. So much like the claptrap the USCCB tries to serve up on Sundays as the Catholic Social Teaching in "Spirit of the Council".  There is no mention of the religious war that The Obama/ Clinton  has unleashed on the Faithful excuse me "People of God"  nor Mr. Trump's commitment to Religious Liberty as opposed to Freedom of Worship. BTW If you do not think the Faith is under attack in this country try adopting a child through Catholic Charities in DC? Ops you can't thanks to ACA.  Little Sisters of the Poor call your service. So place you animus within the context of baptismal vows taking on your behalf "When I was baptized into the Church My godparents on my behalf ..... Look to your Confirmation vows when you became a Soldier of Christ. To  jump on anti Trump bandwagon is not an act of bravery when the it looks like all of forces of the world seem to be arrayed against him. It is this fact that should inspire you to at least read what the man writes and listen to what he says unfiltered by the noise of world. Our Lord warns to be wary of those who the world loves and Powers of this world seem to love to hate  him which should give us all pause and think hmm if The Democratic Party, The elites of the Republican Party the Liberal Elites in New York and Hollywood hate him then what is he doing so right. Could it be following the Constitution?  Being opposed to abortion?  Not getting the Untied States involved in foreign wars? (HRC voted for the 2nd  Iraq war DT was against it) Or maybe it is returning government to the great unwashed not kissed by the shores of North Atlantic and the warming waters of Southern California.

You Claim to not compare DT to Satan but that is exactly what you proceed to do. Alas it is a comparison not based of fact but on reports of fact,  which is gossip.  Maybe  Sister should review the Church's teachings on Calumny and Detraction for you? 
Donald Trump is a bigot
Your utilization of what is on the one hand the worse accusation the SJW can hurl  sans proof yes proof  which  is incumbent on  you as the accuser to provide.  Bigotry is insidious because it is hurled willy nilly by  the left and is an accusation which forces the accused to prove a negative. It this case it is Easy. You site DT call to ban Muslim Immigration and the targeting of one religion or ethnicity as bigotry. That is categorically NOT what DT has advocated.   Cursory research beyond the PC ( Politically Corrupt ) press like his web site would tell you what Donald Trump  proposes is a moratorium on Muslim Immigration from politically suspect countries with high levels of Islamic Jihadism. In addition, he wants to a moratorium on Immigration of Syrian refugees until they can be better vetted. The Pope statement on bridges not walls was taken and repeated out of context BTW there is a wall surrounding the Vatican, just like DNP primary in Philadelphia along with photo ID requirements which BTW are needed to enter the Sacred Heart University Library 
Bigot Much? 

It is the Duty of  nation's leader  Indeed, It is his primary Duty to defend the nation.  This is the secondary obligation of a Christian Prince. Yes, the US is not a Christian country and we are all the worse for it but he oath of office is "TO Preserve Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States"  Not to oversee the protection of foreigners. If we cannot preserve our own national security, we are useless vis-a-vis projecting our values of self government and sovereignty and territorial integrity and assisting  the defense of others as well. That includes Syrian Moslems. ISIS has already announced that they will and have infiltrated the refugee diaspora. When your enemy  says he wants  try to destroy you believe him or do they not assign Mein Kamph at Sacred Heart. I believe ISIS over the Obama Administration any day because unlike this White House ISIS has kept its promises. 

A simple youtube search at what is happening in Europe since the governments of Germany, EU and France have colluded with the AP, Reuters, and Facebook to manage the flow of information regarding the effects of Muslim migration into Germany. Will tell you in graphic even horrific detail of the ill effects of this migration on the daily life of the people of Europe and the real physical peril the citizens of Europe face in the excersize of their daily lives.  do not believe them! In the pursuit of the primary function of government The Government of Germany has failed, again, The Government of France has Failed, again The People of United Kingdom and Italy are forcing their governments to reevaluate their failing policies. The People of the US should try to follow the example of The UK and not Germany. A  trip to Constantinople, yes I said it should remind you of the existential costs of getting this wrong.In addition the FBI, INS, NSA, EU, and the UN have all admitted that they cannot adequately  vet the Syrian refugees. Again I believe (or until two weeks  ago) take the word of the FBI over that of the White House and certainly Mrs.Clinton who wants to double the numbers.

Just because people want to live here does not give them the right to live here. The United States is under no legal nor moral obligation to accept immigrants of any variety. Yet we accept more immigrants than the rest of the world by far, nearly one million a year the next is Germany at 449,000  and that is not counting HB-1 visas and  illegals! Mr. Trump is on record as even wanting to increase the amount of legal immigration! So much for "Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt." Your Accusation is false in fact, premise, and conclusion.  

As for the Mexican Rapist trop He did not call Mexicans rapist again in lieu of doing a little work to get it right you repeated a lie. What he actually said was  " The government of Mexico does not send us their best people, They send us their worse people amongst them are ....rapist. gang bangers ....not their doctors and lawyers" Again, there are hundreds if not thousands of you fellow citizens who would be alive today if the folks in power would only enforce existing law! this is a far cry from calling all Mexican rapists, it is an indictment of our government for not enforcing laws on the books, not the Mexican government or people. His words taken out of context then repeated as fact by his political opponents, the same people who brought us "Hands up don't shoot" see their fruits and you will know them. In charity I   refrain from calling it a outright liar but you should really check you facts before you bear false witness against your neighbor which Im sure is one of the "pomps" which you reject.

You hold that the Syrian Family your parish sponsors are good hard working people , oops not hard working "trying to get work, and learn English and secure long term medical help for their son" well in jumping the line they have deprived another worthy potential immigrant who waited on line, has been vetted, has learned English and does not have long term health issues from a spot in the US. By your own words what we have imported is not someone who adds to this country's wealth but who provides another competitor to someone who is already here for that job, displaced someone who is already here from that English class and yes I'm sorry may end up diverting long term medical care resources from someone who is already here.  - We have an obligation to our own people

 You cannot be the good Samaritan if you have exhausted you own resources. In addition, you are not utilizing your own resources who is supporting this family, You? Your parish? Or the taxpaying citizens  of the US, and state of Connecticut. It is so easy to be a SJW with other peoples money! Does  this family your parish is sponsoring live in East Haddon (median income $91,000.00) Fairfield(ME $107,000), Greenwich(ME $168,000.00), Westport (ME $153,500)?  Or do they live in Bridgeport (ME $39,800.00), or Waterbury($41,000.00),  or New Haven ($38,500.00). The effects both immediate and longterm of wide spread (not just Islamic)  immigration are in the  affected communities like  Dearborn not Gross Point,  Hartford not Fairfield,  St. Albans (Queens not New Hampshire ) not the Upper West Side or even BedSty.  You advocate policies without any consideration for its affect on your brothers and sisters in Christ who  are facing many of the same challenges as these refugees in an economy which under the self-righteous  left has rewarded itself with bonuses  and rising assets while leaving its citizens to go without wage increases for almost a generation. "And His False Promises"? 

You Accuse Mr Trump of Misogyny    That is 2nd of the Virtue signaling accusations trilogy 
but you do not site any proof only so lets add some history The Trump Organization and women 
Despite the freewheeling dare I say fireballing accusations of Misogyny  The Trump organization is know throughout the industry as being cutting edge in its promotion of women and minority executives. The raison d'être of TTO was his father's opposition to Donald's gender blind, ethnic blind hiring and promotion practices. a simple goggle search would have provided articles from the ever so Trump supporting press like 

The Washington Post
Yahoo News
unless you only read The NYT  even then the woman interviewed denounced the times for fabrication

You say that you support Free Speech but like most progressives you only support free speech if it agrees with you. Your analogy of the post says it all People are allowed their opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  Other wise they are not just in disagreement , or even wrong but evil and poisonous, even toxic . I don't know where you studied American History but you should sue to for malpractice and get your fathers money back. Our Lord calls us to be the leaven in our societies - you have taken the road of fast acting yeast! You stated that you disagree with HRC but  where is your outrage  toward Catholic Universities which   provide her  space to spread error heresy and schism which is real hate speech. 
HRC wants to Church to change its doctrine to accommodate abortion ,and Contraception

Yet this advocate of Genocide lets not mince words abortion is genocide over 70 percent of the  abortuaries  are in Black, Hispanic or Asian neighborhoods. In the United States more Black children die of Abortion than all other causes combined (CDC) if abortion was disease it would be an epidemic. (I assume you march for life) To allow the happy recipient of the Margret Sanger award to speak on a Catholic campus is an outrage bordering on blasphemy  as Sec of State she and Her Boss tied foreign Aid to Abortion legislation, This administration send DNC experts t to assist in the election of  anti clerical, anti-Catholic anti- Life President of The Philippines. This White House  is talking with EU to craft sanctions on Poland for defending Life! Yet you do not have seem to have problem with her "Hate Speech"  I suppose you would have no problem with her Mass attending Protestant Running Mate? The very Idea that a Self described Catholic can hold a position of "I am Personally opposed to Abortion but would not dream of imposing my view on you " Since Our Lord asks us to be the leaven in our societies what baptismal vow is he violating. If this election were held in 1818 you would have no problem with "I find owning slaves personally repugnant but would not dream of interfering with your rights to control your property"
For a Catholic to not vote for Donald Trump when there are possibly three seats on SCOTUS is at the very least a sin of omission To let her off the hook as you do is to be a
 co-conspirator in the murder of the least of us.

I would like to end this on a loving  advice from an older fellow Catholic;  your Catholic education is woefully lacking perhaps you should also sue whoever thought you Catechism for heresy and malpractice. But I am so angry that you dare,  dare take your progressive left  false sanctimony and cover it with  sacerdotal cloak. 
To use a Social Justice term I am so offended 
Grow UP Learn your Faith stop being such Hypocrite !