Friday, September 6, 2019


The professional left along with its pomps i.e  Main Street Media (MSM) For leftist it more like vape the magic dragon; maybe they are the dragon. Magic being the preternatural ability to bend reality and the Dragon well you know. Or are they like all salesmen, politicians, and storytellers engaged in “puffery” - exaggerated commendation especially for promotional purposes: HYPE “? 

The President, as well as being  President of these United States is also the President of Puffery.  He would be the 1st to admit it. From the inauguration crowd size, through his personal wealth, Theresa May following his political advice.  Public pronouncements of exaggerated Trumpian Triumphs are par for the course with the President, and as ego expected, normal, even expected for anyone in public life.  Surely President Obama did not think he was the American King Canute. Reading through the 13 pages of False Statements of Politifact  - that strictly non-partisan aggregator of truth-  has on President Trump. Can Leftest not tell the difference between sarcasm, humor, puffery, and the speaker's assumptions of common knowledge? Or like most Liberal Coastal Elites (LiCE) if you hold a differing opinion you are guilty until proven innocent.
If you like your doctor you can keep it”

Does the left encage in puffery?  Or are simply gaffs, ignorance, lies or perhaps contempt. The contempt they have not for the President but for the American People regardless of whether you are in the basket.  Like demons, they may hate “the deplorables” but they have contempt for their supporters 

Let’s begin with the candidates Former VP Joe Biden good ole” Uncle Joe” (isn't that what they called Stalin?) based his campaign on “healing the country “ from the division caused by the President.  Citing the Charlottesville speech where the President referred to the “white nationalist” as “good people”. Now we know good ole Uncle Joe does not possess a good command of facts either recent of historical. This accusation against the President is a LIE  A lie so thoroughly propagandized the MSM that people actually believe it. All one has to you is read or listen to The President's actually words where he in no uncertain terms condemns white nationalists, nazis, etc. This lie by Lice may have contributed to the intensification of racial suspicion and tension. Good luck trying to find out the truth about Charlottesville.  The LiCE ministry of Information (GoFaYuTi) is attempting to block the access of the information platforms available to share the truth.
“They gonna put y’all back in chains”

Senatresses Elizabeth Warren and  Kamala Harris tweet signaled their virtue on the 5th anniversary of Michael “hands up don't shoot” Brown shooting. Despite witness testimony,  police report, Grand Jury finding, and finally an Obama /Holder DOJ.s investigation, all supported police evidence “there is no credible evidence that Wilson willfully shot Brown as he was attempting to surrender or was otherwise not posing a threat.” In their furtherance of the politics of racial division in hopes of winning the Melanin Challenged House or Great Potomac Tepee, had no compunction against perpetuating not puffery, not misinformation but the“murder”  lie which ruined the career of a young police officer, sparked violence leading to the ruin of many black-owned business and livelihoods in Ferguson. I wonder how many of Sen Harris's” convictions of mostly black men will hold up to the same degree of DOJ scrutiny as Ferguson? Maybe Sen Warren was trying to add Red Black and Green feathers to her warbonnet. 
“5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times” 

Senator Sanders has the same problem as President Trump many of his lies are simply puffery, ignorance, sarcasm, jokes or maybe dotage?  I'm not giving him a pass but since he will never win I can't waste too much breath on him. The problem with Sen Sanders is his public personae versus private life. Which revels hypocrisy to the point of incredulity.  Sen Sanders's world view is metastasizing throughout the left’s institution. His philosophies and policies have historically lead to the slaughter on millions if not billions of humans since the French Revolution. The very word progress and hence progressives are a result of the French Revolution!  Which plunged Europe into a generation of war and was the genesis of to even more hateful ideologies which have inflicted demonic level tortures on humanity.

 The  Bottoms Three  Buttigieg, Booker, and  Beto 
Francis O’ Rourke’s  Hype can only be asked with a question, was his mouth moving? it’s is worse than puffery vs stupid.  Beto thinks we are stupid in the tweetosphere, we tend to focus on the latest tweet before we realize none of his words are true. Not to mention, recurrent F-Bombs which the ⅔ of the  “B Bois” seem to think is now standard campaign rhetoric. There is shock but no awe - and we thought Paul Ryan was milquetoast! Brotha Cory, from guns to driving confusing the 2nd amendment with 9th amendment -  which I guess is more demagoguery than puffery. His accusation that President Trump cut DOJ funding investigating White supremacist groups was a lie. Cory’s most egregious offense is trying to pass as inner-city urban youth who pulled himself up by his own bootstraps; If those bootstraps were on duck boots maybe. Grand Mastah B was raised in Harrington Park NJ where the median household income is $145,000 per annum, avg house price $574,000 and the black population is 0.7%.  Yet at every debate, CB implied that his “community” was more the like wire than the Huxtable's. This most offensive on a personal level because he speaks to his primarily white audience reinforcing a racial stereotype of the Black Man as thug. Brotha B better be careful if he visits LA Kamala may try to arrest him. Reverend. “Let's Not bring God into politics” Buttigieg, “ but if we did he would not be Republican” Another privileged elitist who can't get his own house in order, Southbend lately? Yet, he is sure he is our moral superior.  Lectures us on carbon footprint but private planes it to climate change town halls He tells us God could not be a Republican yet it is Democrats who cheered while removing God from their platform. God cannot support a Republican yet Democrats, the party of slavery is now and are the party of genocide. When   Rev Buttageig talks about God do you think he might  Moloch, Kahli, and Quetzalcoatl than The God of Abraham Issac and Jacob?
"There's a saying in my community that you're dipping into the Kool-Aid, and you don't even know the flavor”