Wednesday, July 8, 2020

It’s about the Light not the White

Since BLM has accused The Church of supporting White Supremacy Churches have been attacks, and Statues of Saints have been defiled, desecrated and defiled. In one town in Californa in a place where a Statue of St. Junipiere Sierra stood they placed an altar to a dragon (with dragon fruit!), Have these people lost their minds? Or are they racist Nazis who embrace the anti-Christian in general (anti-Catholicism in particular) form of Fascism. This is not a new song, this tune was played in the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Venezuelan Revolution, etc etc. Fullied accompanied by the stench of antisemitism. 

The Left has always been anti-Christian, from the French revolution through Antifa/BLM they always attack Crown and Miter The death of and leftist canonization of George Floyd a man who spent his life preying on his own community is juxtaposed against the murder of real innocents in our own community. Compare his life to the life of St. Junipero Serra Tears the mask off the face of the so-called progressive Left which is not liberal at all but like other fascist movements diabolical. Prior to the alleged murder (yes even evil policeman get the presumption of innocence in this country) of George Floyd we at a glimpse of their evil but generally we dismissed, laughed it away, or thought it was not real. These glimpses were through the empty hate-filled heads of AOC and the squad,, the sacrifice of the unborn on the altar of Planned Parenthood being sure not to mutilate the bodies much so they can be sold for medical research in the best tradition of Dr. Mengele. The Aztecs have nothing on the Democrats. NO protests at Planned Parenthood eh? statues of Margaret sanger are still up  I guess Unborn Black Lives don’t matter. Not to mention elderly Black lives in New York, and Pennsylvania. Then ALL HELL HAS BROKE THROUGH 

Last week the leader of BLM announces that they should go after the White images of Christ and Saints because they deny that Christ and His Most Holy Mother were not white- therefore these images support white supremacy.  This is beyond ignorance or art, history, religion, but most of all it is Diabolical. Attacks on Holy Images can be nothing but demonic if not actually the source must be demonic. While I am sure that Sean whatever his name is simply ignorant, his masters must be truly evil. BLM uses as an example great Icons of St Michael defeating the Dragon and draws the conclusion that this is either the inspiration for or a glorification of the George Floyd murder since the Dragon is dark-skinned. (this Icon is over 700 years old) I submit to you that the real aim is not some sense of racial equality but to get the Church to redesigning a Holy Card where a dark-skinned Michael defeats a pale dragon?  I do not have a degree in Art-but- one of the great benefits of growing up in NYC is the ability to study art at low costs all your life. Even I know angels are spiritual beings who have no skin color! Recall the battle of St. Michael vs lucifer. St. Michal was only an Archangel, while Lucifer was a Prince of Heaven. ST. Michael could not (recall Exodus)  possibly defeated the Dragon if not in his righteous anger he was not infused with the Power of God himself. Michael means “WHO IS LIKE GOD”? Which was the response of the NCO angel to the  Lucifers call for celestial revolution?  The defeat of Satan was the defeat of darkness by Light  “Erat lux vera, quae illuminat omnem hominem venientem in hunc mundum.”  The foot of St, Michael on the head (not the throat mind you) is not the foot of St. Michael but the foot of  Our Lady  [Genesis 3:15]

For all time and throughout the Church the local people have made Holy images look like local people or the available models. In Northern Italy (where the Renaissance began) Holy Images look like Northern Italians! The same holds true with Souther Italians, Spaniards, Irish, Polish. North African Christian Images look different than Sub Saharan Holy images. This holds with  Asians, Eskimoes, Black Americans, Ethiopians, etc. 
Perhaps you guys should visit a Church sometimes try not to burn it down, or don’t visit,  least you spontaneously combust upon entering.

We only know what Holy People look like if paintings or images were made of them whilst they lived and walked amongst us. 
Strangely enough, if the Church is trying to push a white superiority conspiracy on us they have done a bad job of it. In Eastern Europeans, and the Spanish have major devotions and venerate Holy Images of Black Madonnas.

Is this an attempt to foster Black superiority and privilege in white Europe? Or is it simply devotion, faith, and tradition?  We only have two real images of The BVM one is the Portrait by St. Luke in Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome (Below right)
Our her "self Portrait" Our Lady of Guadalupe. I have thought about the diabolical character of the left for some time after all If you can kill children and sell their body parts how can you be anything but evil/ crazy, both?. What won't you do? But it is the picture at the top of this page which set off the alarm in head about the absolutely demonic agenda of the left " to set up a rival good to God’s good” This is the unforgivable sin to make evil  good ascribing the things of darkness to God and vice (literally) versa. Seeing leaders of our country bend the knee to something other than God over a man whose name they cannot even remember,  Usurping real pain and outrage that the George Floyd alleged murder caused for power and political power at that. Now we know what they will do if they ever get that power look at legislation currently in the House, read their articles and magazines they want to pack the supreme court, get rid of of the 1st amendment repeal the 2nd amendment meant, open the borders and forget about BLM, they want nothing less than the genocide (or should I say social, familial, and actual suicide of Black Americans) The establishment of vice as virtue, the unnatural as a natural, myth as science and Mammon as god. 

Et duxit illum diabolus in montem excelsum, et ostendit illi omnia regna orbis terrae in momento temporis, et ait illi : Tibi dabo potestatem hanc universam, et gloriam illorum : quia mihi tradita sunt, et cui volo do illa. Tu ergo si adoraveris coram me, erunt tua omnia
And the devil led him into a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power and the glory of them. For to me, they are delivered: and to whom I will, I give them If thou, therefore, wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.
Luke 4: 5-7