But off course I could not stay silent on this one. Quelle Suprise! But I find I am in complete agreement with Patrick - So-Called Catholic Fundamentalists are dangerous. They (CF's) are in the same theological league as Evangelical Prots, High Church Anglicans and fundamentalist of all ilk. They think that the revealed truth of God manifests through their ill-formed intellect corrupted by vanity, combined poorly formed conscience leads to theological revelation which is superior to the deposit of Faith left to mankind by Our Lord and the Apostles "whilst they lived and walked amongst us" and in the fashion of Henry the Tyrant and Elizabeth the Bastard have usurped the brick and mortar church in order to institutionalize Error, Heresy, Schism not to mention Lust, Vanity, and Megalomania. The Bugninist (love that term we should all use it) have established like a parasite in the Body of Christ new liturgy, theology, sacraments, and are now attempting to doctrine all in the name of a "living church" (or "living constitution" for that matter) but actually biblical simplicity but really they are fundamentalists fanatics as crazed and power driven as a Chick comic, IVY League admission, lutheran parson, Rospeierre revolutionary, BLM/ ISIS terrorist - and if you think these things are not the same each one seeks to either re-right the truth of history, i.e. BCE/CE vs. BC/AD right down to pulling down flags monuments, and/or historical churches etc. They harness Fundamentalism/Bugniniism onto the coaches of the Prices of this world as effectively as a Bolshevik, Euro-Parliamentarian/eurocrat, or member of the Present occupant of the WhiteHouse, (or holder of the Speakers Gavel , of Senate Majority chair for that matter) Each of these are so convinced in their the fundamental righteousness of the cause that they are willing to jeopardize nation security (army purges through open borders) impoverish their nation (five year plans Obama Care, the last federal budget, Eurozone) even change the demographics of the nation (Angela Merkel, BHO call your service Stalin's colonial policy in Central Asia have a Blueprint for yah)All in the name of Fundamental transformation based on their "Catholic Fundamentalism" or Bugninism. At the risk of sounding like a broken record name one modern problem in the Western world (or at least the English-speaking world) that cannot be traced back to either The Lambeth Conference (kindling) and V2? (OK OK V2ers the spirit of V2 which I think is Kaspar the friendly ghost cause it ain't da Holy Ghost try it I dare you?
Cut Joe Fedulska some slack will ya - he is so right the other thing I am trying to refrain myself from doing is shooting from the hip regarding THF and his wacky press statements. One because like I said before I am so bored by their wackiness I'm never really sure if they're true. Francis is not JP2 - nor- Benedict XVI yes, yes he is smart, but he does not seem to be gifted with the ability to clearly and distinctly convey intricate thoughts to a mass audience over the heads of the meddlesome press. He does not have their gift of language, nor does he seem to have their raw gray matter. I'm not saying he is stupid He is not but he had different gifts and not being blessed with their gifts he should refrain from speaking to the press always. We know they lie, parse words, rearrange stories, (edit Is what they call I suppose) all to achieve their ends - king James anyone? By the time the Vatican has gotten its act together to clarify, denounce retract, the damage is done the Bugninist have their quote, their soundbite, mistranslation, affirmation. This is not to say THF does not share some culpability - he is not stupid - he know what they are about but is either playing "with them" of with them either way I think he is out of his league since he is playing their game.
Let me end by saying I am not a good man I have never been will probably never be I am bad and "shall be bad again, but the worse I get the more I need God" so pray for me I claim to Love God, Our Lady, The Church and the Saints etc but I live like a pagan and the things I crave are generally the things which are neither Godly nor goodly. but there is Grace the thing I desire the most when I am alone in the dark is Salvation not simply (this occurred to me last night) to avoid Hell but o be in Heaven that is progress? No or is it vanity _ thank the Boys in the Trad Men's group for pushing me (we push each other) to say our Rosary every day even if you cheat (like I did today and did not say three decades but just the one to fulfill my Living Rosary obligations) Why am I sharing my private self with you strangers really. How many of us are anxious about saying the Rosary because of the Prayers for The Pope at the end? I really don't want to Pray for Him, but I know that I must as a son must pray for his father and a subject for his Prince. Even if the Prince is a tyrant.
Beyond the brick and mortar, this is the Church The Church I am sure Patrick is talking about, The Church I know THF cannot change as much as he may want to not the Fundamentalist Bugninist, the true Living Body of Christ of which each of us is a member and well you know the rest. So if it comes down to it let them have the buildings, the infrastructure, the G&P songbook, the NO, Let them keep the New Coke as the business collapses around them and they go into receivership. Let Us Keep the Faith with all that it implies Let us remain the leaven in our societies even as they dry to retard our growth, let us take this new year to shout out "UNAM SANCTUM CATHOLICUM" then let them dare to do their worse.
BTW I am not nearly as brave as I write
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