Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Why Russia, not China

Why Russia, Not China?
Христос воскрес из мертвых. Убивать смерть смертной казнью и тех, кто находится в гробнице, дающей жизнь

Khristos voskres iz mertvykh. Ubivat' smert' smertnoy kazn'yu i tekh, kto nakhoditsya v grobnitse, dayushchey zhizn'

The American left had had a long-term love affair with Ye Ole USSR, THEY were absolutely besotted by them. From Old Joe to referring to Andropov as a liberal Their absolute almost unquestioned pass they gave to almost every Soviet action whether it was genocide, embracing Nazi (birds of a feather) even the invasion of other countries was explained or at least given a pass as the while not endorsed (the conservative Dems who wanted public office)  explained away as the reaction of an “encircled, beleaguered, paranoid power in need of greater Western flexibility and understanding. There were, some adamantly supporting unilateral disarmament! Nuclear freeze, etc.    Now many in these same intellectual circles have seemed to do a complete volte-face, as late as the 2012 Presidential campaign The leader of their party accused his opponent of being locked in a 1980s geopolitical foreign policy paradigm,  subjecting him to ridicule and derision from the President Obamas' fellow travelers in the media. Yet throughout this time Russia seems to have grown weaker Leaving aside the Ukraine/Crimea for a second, the Russian economy has continued to shrink, the dependence of the economy on the exports of commodities as opposed to industrial goods, financial services, electronics, high tech, etc., attributes of a modern economy. So let’s review in my lifetime we have gone from the Cold War which was started by the United States'  refusal to accept the USSR as a post-war geopolitical equal and thereby engaged in a policy of encirclement of the USSR. Economic imperialism of Western Europe, and neo-colonialism in the economic imperialism of Western Europe, and neo-colonialism. The defeat of The  US in South East Asia, which forced the US to finally recognize the USSR as a geopolitical equal, during the "malaise" of the  Carter Years. at the very least the USA and USSR were equally malevolent powers, Bill BuckleyJr., the best response to this I ever heard  “To say that the CIA and the KGB engage in similar practices is the equivalent of saying that the man who pushes an old lady into the path of a hurtling bus is not to be distinguished from the man who pushes an old lady out of the path of a hurtling bus: on the grounds that, after all, in both cases someone is pushing old ladies around.”

While there has been almost no credible evidence of Russian tampering in the election changing one vote much less hacking the DNC  - we would never know conclusively since the DNC  has not allowed the security agencies access to their drive what could they be hiding?  There has certainly bee absolutely of any Trump RNC "collusion" with Russia - although there seems to be plenty of circumstantial evidence of Clinton.DNC, Media, deep state collusion or at the very lest co-operation/co-ordination. Hmmm, they have no Muller indictments on that front. Of course, I believe the Russian tried to interfere in our election process, as I am sure they try to influence policies all the time and in a variety of ways. That includes meetings with members of Congress (including Rep Pelosi, and Sen. Schumer BTW), offering speaking fees to the prominent member of the party in power or their husbands, supporting causes and organizations such as the freeze movement — that may serve their interests, even American members of the Senate asking the Soviets to undermine American foreign policy objectives for domestic political reasons ! Etc. This is no more than what they told us they would do, and while more vicious and bloody than other countries. The Russians have been doing it since time immemorial, as have all great powers including ourselves ( see The  Russians are Here The Russians are Here). 
These lead me to ask even beg the question of why are all the lefties and their fellow travelers a McCarthyite tizzy over Russia - an economically, demographically, even politically submerging nation with an admittedly 1st world military, and national security apparatus. But even a cursory reading of Russian History will tell you that this is not something new. The use of political destabilization, kidnapping, an even judicious murder of Russian nationals while who have or are seeking overseas asylum is nothing unique to the Putin regime. Russian leaders who are thugs is nothing new to the world - Yes Putin was KGB but so was Andropov (Putin's'  Mentor) Getting past the Left's tolerance, even support of Putin foreign policy  in return for Putin's recognition American Political calendar — open mike anyone you don't really think Putin would have dared intervene in the Crimea without the acquiescence or at least the acknowledgment of the Obama White House at least State Department?  but I digress or do I? 
Victor Davis Hanson addresses this brilliantly and thoroughly as usual in a recent article in the National Review - now I have stated I canceled my subscription — which I did but it's VDH folks I would go to NR website I would even watch Morning Joe (shudder, shudder) if VDH is on it!

Where is the outrage, the hearings,  the special prosecutor vis-a-vis the interference on China or for that matter Mexico in the elections of the USA? Mexico has it citizens vote in US elections (those who unconstitutionally hold dual citizenship — as many people do) Not to mention the lefts support even connivance of illegals immigrants election fraud How many Chinese national now or will that to the stupidity of birthright citizenship will be able to vote in US elections? Beyond that the Chinese have and Chinese nationals have been convicted of actual open bribery of American officials and breaking campaign financing laws. Of course, the money went to Democrats, needless to say, the name Clinton was often mentioned in almost every incident. When it comes to political corruption the name Clinton is so ubiquitous it has become synonymous. No need to reiterate that China is a power on the rise and is continually rising a rise supported by the power elites financial, cultural, media, academic, and political elites of the USA. The Chinese have managed to achieve which neither  Germans in 1890-1914 nor the USSR 1945-1990 could do — which is to establish within the governing, cultural, financial, and intellectual class of their adversary policy advocates who seek for whatever narrow partisan or financial rewards to undermine the security and prosperity of their fellow citizens.  Don't blame the CCP or the Chinese governing elites — they are doing their jobs. In order to stay in power, they must secure continues economic growth for their nation and economic dominance need a political dimension, and that political dimension historically supported by credible military force. The Chinese are (were) well  on the road to establishing economic/political, even cultural dominance in Africa, at the beginning of this century China replaced the UK as sub Saharan Africa's number one trading partner and there have been real political repercussions, as a result, none have resulted in freer African peoples not less corrupt African regimes. 

I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of comparing the rise of China with the rise of Whilhelmine German while there are similarities there are significant differences (and yes Imperial Britain did have a significant pro-German lobby in business, finance, government, and Court). Off the top of my head, The rise of China vis-a-vis the USA is more like the rise of the USA vis-a-vis The UK! Both China and the USA rose to superpower status with powerful financial, trade, and cultural forces supporting the rise of the rival, and even integrating themselves within the cultural and DNA  of the rival. The ultimate rise of both the USA and China was done without really firing a shot (against the rival power that is) The Us turning away from the obvious force after the Spanish war in many ways as the Chinese have after their version of the Vietnam debacle.  IN both instances the triumph over their rival was (in the case of the USA) and maybe (in the case of PRC) done financially, with the hegemon losing its place as the primary creditor nation and its currency as the currency of record. In the case of the USA for a generation after New York replaced London, London continued to shouldering the financial brunt of world hegemon making the seas safe,  stabilizing the middle east, resisting Russian expansionism, running the premiere multination institutions  (not the Church of Rome), etc. OK, I am digressing back to business tony! The downright religious fanaticism of the American Political Left with their embrace of PRC and zealot like belligerence toward Russia must go beyond policy, money, contempt for their fellow citizens, even hatred of Trump. It is malevolent at the very least, at the most demonic. That's right I said it!

Putin is a Thug but even the mafia fear God, socialist do not since they don't believe He exists. Under Putin, Russia and Poland are the last major Christian countries left in Europe, fully equipped with a Christian weltanschauung which informs their public policy — at least domestically — particularly regarding Abortion, Social Issues, and of course radical Islam.  Of the Major nations of the world, only the UK has an Established Church (it has two actually one in England and wales another in Scotland). Other than the COE social agenda which seems so often to be contrary to traditional Christian Doctrine, they have been consigned to the position of  Ceremonial accouterments of the Crown and the kneeling branch of the civil service. Indeed the most attended religious services in the nation are those of Catholics and Islam! As I write a borough of London banned public prayer or any religious act as hostile within a few feet of an abortuary! While Soviet Russia the darling of the Left was the 1st country to legalize abortion, and in the ole USSR abortion was the primary method of birth control! Now, Abortion remains legal in Russia up to the twelfth week — however, Putin and The Church  are moving 1st utilizing culture, Putin understands that politics follows the culture, of course, Putin can't just issue a Ukase and make abortion go away — he has an uphill PR battle to fight as will the Russian State can not afford to support an expanded social welfare state the supports mothers and children if Russian begin to reproduce like Moslems. Putin does understand that the lack of future Russians beyond the economy, the Russian no longer command economy needs consumers. The lack of Russian is a national security threat — with not enough Russians who will man the armed forces, Not enough Russians mean the Russian may no longer be well Russian! Both the Tsar's and the Commissars were cognizant of the demographic threat to the Russian portion of the Russian Empire.  Contrast this to China where until last year Abortion especially of girls (talk about your war on women)! Was not only encouraged but state policy. For Nancy's Maxims, Hillary's  (if only her name was Laverne) the Planned Parenthood Trio Abortion is sacramental. How much of their antipathy to Putin is a reflection of their antipathy Christ? Despite the fact the Chine may be the most populous Christian (indeed Catholic Nation) in the world like the other Christian nations in  the world the leavening nature of its Christian population seems to have produced sourdough (I am not discounting prayers a quill in the arrow of politics. Eastern Europe is free and HRC is not President so anything can happen to keep saying the Ave' after Mass) The Left in this country concerning Russia has its equivalent in Europe or at least the EU we now know they are not one and the same. Now do I know if Putin is real in his embrace of Christ - HMM I am not sure if I am real, in my embrace of Christ since I am the most sinful man I  know, to coin a phrase "who am I to judge"  But the public graphics are there-He goes to Mass on Sunday which major western leader Except for HM The Queen,  do we see attending religious service every week? On Voskrise There was the President and political establishment singing "Kristos Voskrese ha B smirt" (Christ Has risen from the dead) with a peasant like enthusiasm crossing himself with the vigor of a babushka. Not only, did we not see any non-crowned head in the West attend Easter Service (although I am sure some did ) the Services was not televised but Imagine the Outrage if I don't know President Trump was seen making the Sign of the Cross singing  "Jesus Christ Has Risen Today Alleluia"

The Only Issues as controversial as Abortion in our society are what is euphemistically called social issues — as if Abortion was not euphemism itself for infanticide"  While I have no fear discussing abortion the" Social Issues" writing about the Social issues does send a chill down my spine after all I live in a lefty city and I am job hunting, will be apartment hunting, mortgage hunting etc and the viciousness of the Left to go after dissidents is fueled in many ways by the size 14 high heel shoe wearing Gestapo of those SJW's who although less than one percent of the population seems to highjacked the sinews of power in our society and are not afraid to wreak vengeance on all who disagree with the prevailing wind of SJW orthodoxy. Not being independently wealthy and thoroughly dependent on a market for my livelihood I must admit they do scare me because they are bullies — and bullies are scary since they only pick on people who they know can't or won't defend themselves. The Bakers and county clerks and academics of our land can't and the CEO' s,  Artists, Politicians,  Chattering classes without longterm contracts on Fox, even the Clergy won't.  Even if I may agree with some of the positions of the SJW's but think they should be decided by States in the ballot box and not my Federal Government bureaucrats in opposition to federal law or Heaven forbid Federal Judges.  Putin has had no such fear and has decided for reasons of state, culture, religion truth that the social issues of the day have already been decided and are not open to further discussion. Marriage is what the Church says it is, Genders are what God and nature say they are  "masculine et feminism creavit eos et benedixit illis"  (male and female he made them and blessed them " Gen 5:2) No one will be forced to bake anything they don't want to in Putin's Russia. Now off course, China is not the SJW social issue paradise — but unlike Russia China's antipathy the "social issues" agenda " is cultural, Confucian, secular and NOT religious — even if it is not Christian - hell forbid Catholic [Roman, Greek, Russian all Catholics are far more the same than different). 

While I can go on and on the dear reader, I can't help but admit that my thesis is based more on the gut, gut honed by stepping back and looking at the bigger picture beyond politics, history even culture. I do not ascribe actual malevolent intentions to the garden variety liberal, s/he probably wants to build what they think is the best society they can for us and our future generations, No doubt they see the best way to do this contrary to all historical evidence is through some sort utopia with various committees of intellectual elites deciding policy for the rest of us. Of course we will remain a free society of sorts but the freedom will be license , the choices will be between HBO and Showtime or whatever plethora of entertainment venues (all owned by the same two or three media conglomerates) Information will be siphoned through the information conglomerates who carefully "curate" what is safe for us to see and know. The knowledge will be there in the clouds but the access will be if not restricted at least too inconvenient to access-we will have to go to the third page of to search to access it Two Black sisters (or are they cousins) will be deemed dangerous to ....… whom? but for whoever's own good the page will be restricted there posts to their fans deleted and fans will not be able to book their faces. Faggots who are dangerous will lose access instantaneous communications and when they make public appearances the will face Molotov cocktails of should I now say SJW cocktails. Political disagreements will be criminalized and despite voting fir elections after, after election politicians remain more afraid of the administrative state and its ability to criminalize election victories than they are in the voting public. Citizens in what was the "freest country in the world" will be afraid to speak, not out of politeness, good taste, or even sympathy for others but for fear of losing their livelihoods or even their lives if they go jogging at three in the morning. The student who is supposed to question everything including authority, orthodoxy, and challenge the prevailing cultural norms if for no other reason to learn why they exist and even to perpetuate them — will live in fear of the SJW professor who holds their grade and therefore their future in his hands and not raises their hands. The professor, in turn, will live in fear of not getting tenure — which of course will mean nothing — and of course, Hysteria if we dare resort to the courts to assert our rights or even to defend them there will be no attorney privilege.  "Don't call the doctor, don't call the preacher" they will not have the privilege 

What do my ramblings have to do with the Russian? EVERYTHING. 

And is it Hysteria or the logical result of the hubris of those who thought they "had it in the bag" the scenario I fear is happening now perhaps faster than scheduled due to people throughout the Western World voting NO! The results seem to look as though the elites advanced their timetable. The antipathy, hostility to Putin's Russia is not warranted by the external actions of Russia -  The Russians are not behaving any differently than they have for the last four hundred years!  So yes we MUST be vigilant but it was the left that invited Russia into the Eastern Mediterranean/Middle east reversing three hundred years of Anglo-American security policy. It was the left which offered Putin "more flexibility until after the next election" It was they who took the bribes ahem "speaking fees"  and sold him an American Uranium company (some of the Uranium is missing  BTW) It is also the Left and their fellow travelers (including too  many Republicans) who sold this country out to what has become our chief economic and political, soon to be military competitor and they did not earn we gave it to them and they stole what we did not give. I don't blame them that's what I would have done. I am not pessimistic only worried even scared but Christians are by nature Optimistic folks (so are Americans) because we know we have already won but we may have to rethink what will be the instrument of victory But I leave that to Fatima. 



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